Chinese Power Stations UK (Nuclear.....FFS)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. I hope I read it right:.......Osborne has said that China can be part of joint ventures with the UK's new nuclear power stations.....

    I also hope it doesn't mean they will build the bl**dy things...........

    #1 Ghost Rider, Oct 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2013
  2. Look, if it means they chuck wedges of cash this way, and it fucks over the likes of Centrica and SSE in their pricing so they cant rob us any more, and of course the tax payer doesn't end up chucking loads of subsidies that way...bring it on!
  3. It will probably have ROLEX on the side of the reactor
  4. If it brings down my fuel costs it can have Durex on least I'd be protected while they fuck me
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  5. And coming next, he will let the Chinese will take over Aldermaston and Burghfield where Britain's nuclear weapons are made. The successor system to Trident can be designed and developed in Shanghai instead of in Berkshire.
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  6. They will soon be placing takeaways in almost town in England too.
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  7. WOLEX.....:wink:
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  8. Cwikey!:eek:
  9. I wouldn't worry, the nuclear industry is the mist tightly regulated in the world, and the Chinese are among the most experienced nuclear engineers in the world, with a good safety record.

    We really need to leave stereotypes behind - the Chinese can build things as well or as cheaply as the market demands (apple are a benchmark for device quality, and they are made in china). Next time you are sat in the opticians remember this.....their equipment rhythm are using is very likely to be Chinese
  10. Well, that and the fact they're the only ones with the raw materials...
  11. Trouble with Chinese power stations, is that three hours later, you feel like you need another one.
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  12. Dream on, Pal........
  13. Or Worex
  14. They might be the most experienced nulcear engineers, but their building skills arent exactly top of the class.........
  15. No way are we gonna stand for that ! Indian maybe but not Chinese with their MSG !
  16. grangemouth currently being held to ransom by foreign owners (some Chinese influence) not sure any one should own amenities
  17. If people do not want or wish nuclear then perhaps they can turn off all their electrical items and save the fucking planet. We are short on power generation and coal and oil fired stations are being phased out due to emissions. Gas is fucking expensive and limited. So unless you want everything to be covered in a layer of soot as we revert back to coal then I suggest you turn off all your fucking appliances and put your mouth where your money is (sic).

    Besides, I'll be long gone by the time theyre built.

    The only way to save energy is not to fucking use the stuff in the 1st place.

    Now where is my portable fusion reactor the bastards have been promising us, eh?

    Anyway the new chinese ones will be a fucking copy of the ones we've only just demolished.
  18. Omg ! There bikes are shocking ..... We are all dooooooooomed!
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