Someone got a bargain

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. Just in time for the Christmas party!!
  2. and some of the money will no doubt be used to track the car and issue speeding tickets no doubt :wink:
  3. So within a month of seizure they can sell your goods off? Dick Turpin alive and well

  4. Are you that cocking thick that you would

    a) drive with no insurance?
    b) quite happy to let others drive around with no insurance?
    c) once stopped by the police for not having any insurance you think its right to just let that person carry on driving without insurance?
    d)if you were stopped driving your pride and joy with no insurance you would not get insurance sorted there and then, or pay the £150 storage and recovery charge to get your car back within an agreed period of time on the piece of paper given to you and explained to you that you then signed to say you understood?
    e) Disagree with proceeds taken from illegal acts to fund further work and reducing the burden on you the tax payer?
    f) perhaps all that free child allowance paid can fund this sort of lifestyle so if the car is taken you dont have to give a shoot....

    just saying like,......
    #5 andyb, Oct 18, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2013
  5. sounds like a PR type stunt to raise their profile and scare those uninsured drivers to think twice...

    "crikey if they seize a lambo they'll seize my doreens corsa" :eek:

    I doubt its true
    for the sake of a few points and a few grand Insurance you let them confiscate a 300k car for free...

    what utter bollox
    #6 Phill, Oct 18, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2013
  6. its only been going on for around 10 years:rolleyes:..........and where does doreen tend to drive? it can be arranged..........
  7. stop quoting me. I had just added more bollox...

    I know it goes on stoopid lol.
    but every now and again a "well stop at nothing" type alarmist story pops up.. !!!.

  8. stop what......look at it as a seizure of your intellect........:wink:
  9. doreen is a fictitious character used for artistic purposes only.

    no resemblence to any doreens either living or dead was intended.

    no doreens were hurt during the making of this post. :p
    • Like Like x 2
  10. well tell doreen to look outside at her car.......sorry where her car was..........
  11. I would but doreens busy eating soreen.
    so she said "feck orf'
  12. Nope, not a problem to seize it etc til proven guilty and looking at what action can be taken. Depending on the crime, and if funds are available to pay fines, compensation etc, there is an argument to use seized goods as you would a bailiff trying to clear a debt. And no I don't agree with selling off the seized item as an auto action or, as the report suggests, because the owner didn't come forward in a few weeks. What is the owner is on hols? Likely with a car like that they may be working abroad and have a fleet of vehicles sat there and no idea its missing. If it can be proved its been bought with the proceeds of crime, fill yer boots, if its simply it wasn't insured, no one should have the right to steal it from the owner. Thats how I see it; theft
  13. Those green cars below to the owners and are always getting tickets/clamped
  14. That's one ugly MoFo car
  15. The worthless in society always seek out the successful to try and bring down a peg or two. It brings meaning to there sad existence and makes them feel for a moment slightly significant when in fact there actions mean nothing and there existence is still worthless. They should just stick to wearing there animal in print fleeces, painting there house numbers on the bins, going to the working mens club at the weekend and having the annual trip to Spain on an all inclusive and leave the people in society that make a difference well alone.
  16. in reality probably some arab kiddie who doesn't actually give a toss as he'll just buy another one.

    on the more worrying side though..

    my bike doesn't have a front numberplate :eek:
  17. in reality probably some arab kiddie who doesn't actually give a toss as he'll just buy another one.

    Also, you probably find that having your car clamped and impounded is probably the best way to pay for long term secure parking in London.

    on the more worrying note..

    my bike doesn't have a front numberplate :eek:
  18. So, how do they get the keys, log book, red key whatever for the vehicle if owner doesn't come forward?
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