Petrol price in biggest fall since 2008, says AA

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. Hmm... it's 131p here at the mo, was 137p, forgive me if I don't do a dance! :-s we all hope that it will drop to nearer £1 again, but I think the reality is that we are soon looking at £1.50 a litre which is madness....
  2. I've been paying a minimum 139.9p/l for months round here. I do know its cheaper in Oldham though. But God knows why.
  3. probably get a roasting for this but i genuinely believe motoring is no more expensive than it used to be.
  4. All planned ready for the increase in fuel duty. Just watch
  5. Don't you Holmfirth types live off red diesel......?
  6. Nope. Blue.

    Just like our blood :wink:
  7. Nope...............chip fat............
  8. Just like your blood?
  9. Maybe just a gentle roasting - but how the hell do you work that out unless you have been fortunate enough to maintain your income at or above the rate of inflation?
    I know quite a number of people who have not had a meaningful pay rise since 2008!
  10. thats got nowt to do with motoring costs.. fuel consumption drop'd considerably in last 20 years, servicing intervals considerably longer than in the past and considerably more reliable so all in all i recon no worse than before. cant quote figures, suspect someone can.
  11. they buy it in bulk for the molotov factories.
  12. Isnt the % of wage now vastly less than it was in say the 60's to buy and run. More to do with buying than running as cars are super cheap to what they were. Bikes even more so
  13. efa
  14. my local asda sells 1.27 for weeks now. However local shell, bp, Texaco did not budge the price for well over a year at 1.33 to 1.37 depending which one.
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