Man admits driving without licence for 40 years.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. Just read that. How many more are out there?
  2. Seems that the fine is the only thing that might hurt......the others...ban and not being able to get a license for several years probably won't affect him too much.
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  3. "Penalties for driving without the appropriate licence include a fine of £1,000, a driving ban, and being prevented from obtaining a licence for a period of years."

    Don't think a fine of £1k will stop him either. And a ban and being prevented from obtaining a licence certainly wont. :rolleyes:
  4. statistically he will offend again he will get caught and eventually there will be a prison term...........probably coming quicker than someone caught burgling, then re offending and getting caught burgling again!

    funny old world!
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  5. £25.00 a year seems like a bargain!! Also bet he drives better than 99.9% of the other twats who have licenses I've seen this morning!
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  6. I wonder what got him stopped in the first place....I bet it was sitting in the middle lane at 70mph :tongue:
  7. More like someone ran into him ;)
  8. I seem to remember reading that quite a few years ago the driving test staff went on strike in the Republic of Ireland. The strike went on for a while, and created such a backlog that the decision was taken to have an amnesty and to give out full licences to those who had been waiting a long time for a test. They also used to have an interesting system there, apparently, whereby you could apply for a second (or third, etc) provisional licence which, unlike the first one, allowed the driver to be unaccompanied (in a car).
  9. There's loads of people out there with licences that shouldn't be driving............
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  10. who's going to be the judge and based on what?
  11. Compulsory re-testing - it's the only answer ! Yes, there are a lot of people out there who have licences who shouldn't be driving - Andy, I'd be surprised if, in reality, you don't agree with that. The problem is they have to actually do something that causes serious damage or injury before they get stopped from driving. Quite often that involves some innocent third party getting hurt. I saw it claimed recently that 30% of people in the UK drive with uncorrected vision impairments ( ie not wearing glasses that they need to actually SEE ), there's a large number of people who need their licences taking away right there. Having a driving licence is a privilege that needs to be earned - not a right. How many people pass their test and then never look at the highway code ever again, or never update their knowledge and skills in any way?
  12. Reading the article - I'm willing to bet that the reason he got stopped was that he got pinged on ANPR for not being insured...
  13. thats his motor - he had an indicator out

    #14 Phill, Oct 18, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2013
  14. think of the money he's saved on insurance...i bet he doesnt pay his telly licence either...
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  15. No tv license?:eek:

    The utter bastard:mad:
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  16. I am going to confess that from 1981 to approx 1989 I rode Lambrettas without a license, tax, insurance or MOT. Towards the end I had accumulated £1000+ in fines. Bear in mind I was generally of no fixed abode and working infrequently, ahem. I got 2 weeks in Pentonville for non payment of fines. Then 4 weeks in Wandsworth for riding on a ban. Of course I only had to do 50% if i behaved. I did. These were very enlightening experiences. I credit prison with re-introducing me to books. I read Wilt by Tom Sharpe and fell off my bunk laughing. I hadnt realised books could be so much fun. Ive been a manic and avid reader ever since.

    When I look back at my life I sometimes wonder who the fuck it was that was living it.
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  17. I merely forgot to take my bike test...
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