600ss Non Starter

Discussion in 'Supersport (1974-2007)' started by superdiscount, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Hi All

    Got a machine with no power issues, pretty sure no fuel problems. She'll turnover perfectly ok but not properly fire up. I've tried taking the cover and air filter off the carbs and spraying some carb cleaner/cold start down there. Initially this worked 6 weeks ago. When I went back to fire her up a day or so later she wouldn't go. Today I tried the whole thing again and she caught twice for about a second. Had this last year so had her towed to David Robinson who said he got her going by cleaning the heads...not sure what that means?

    any suggestions?

    Been sitting for about 6 weeks btw...engine hasn't seized or anything.

    #1 superdiscount, Oct 17, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2013
  2. Gabes? Vidz. Hi!

    You leaving her outside again?
  3. Yeah where else??? Haven't got trailer have ya? Clean the heads.. What does that mean??
  4. Hang on just seen rest of your message... Guess I need to get spark plugs out and look at em?? Don't think is petrol.. Will bell ya laters
  5. Check batt first, my 750ss would be reluctant to start after sat for so long and it's cold now too. Then check spark plugs, see if they're fouled and engine is flooded. If flooded, keep both plugs out and hit the starter a couple of times, should help get fuel out.

    Dave cleaned the heads?
  6. It could mean waste your money or rip you off...........

    What you need to look at IMO is plugs, leads, caps............It sounds like dampness to me........Ducatis don't like condensation.

    ......and mine occassionally did the same on the front cylinder in cold and damp until I renewed plugs, leads and caps...

    Also, don't touch the throttle when starting with the choke on......give it a chance to fire up before you try revving the engine.

    If none of the above helps, try discussing with Lumbux.........has wouldn't get going past 'tickover on choke'

  7. all above plus if has stood for a good while then could have water/silt in carbs, tank and pump filters/carb filter(s). As said, all leads and ignition related connectors might benefit from unplugging to check for light corrosion (coils,leads,igniter boxes) if spark is weak. A battery boost from a slave battery always helps and is totally safe as long as donor battery Amp/hour is not huge and engine isn't running. Squirt of oil down both bores and new/known good plugs ought to do it.
    #7 Chris, Oct 18, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2013
  8. Don't tempt fate Al, its taken 4 years to get her running, I'm sure it was the rubbers between carbs and engine. Brand new second hand rubbers and new clips all seems well. Be ware of the easy start Gabes, they can get addicted. I never even tried it even after all the hours and the 7 carb strips. Mine has done nearly 50,000 miles though, is it worth a carb clean, but like Al says it sounds like spaking/damp problems. Leads caps and plugs would be a good start, if not the multimeter and check over coils and pick Ups. Rectifier is somthing else I changed and the CDI units.
  9. And the fact, no O rings on the pilot screws......
  10. Most expensive bits on the whole bike!!!
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