Where has TV gone wrong?........Q

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phartycr0c, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. I like to keep up to date with what,s happening in Peter Andres life!
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  2. I'm waiting for c4 or five to commission 'a year with the Beckams' that would be viewing of the highest order
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  3. They've already done that when he was at Real Madrid :smile:
  4. what was that other utterly unfunny sitcom with that professional irishman?? he was supposed to be a superhero or something?? wankerman or something it was called....who commissions this shite and why do people watch it?? even if its raining outside, cant they at least go on the internet, or do something else? i saw a little bit of it, and was THERMOMAN!!! that was it!!! anyway, i saw about 2 minutes of it and i actually felt embarrassed....
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  5. found a bit of it...utter shit..theyve put yet another laughter track on it, just to tell you that the last line was supposed to be funny, and youre meant to be laughing too...the depth and nuance of script writing that one would expect to find in a childs pantomime...

    My Hero - 1.04 - Thermoman's Greatest Challenge (1/3) - YouTube
  6. News, documentries and sport, quite a lot of sport actually.... And that's it. I occasionally watch the odd DVD with my wife. But that's a compromise cos I hate the fucking pictures too.
    Never ever watched X Factor, Britains got *, Cook fuckin this, Dance fuckin that. Pure shite, the lot of it.
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  7. Big Bother was indeed interesting as a social and psychological experiment for series 1 then it, as these things tend to do where dosh is concerned, became overly manufactured.

    In other news, whilst I cant see the appeal of commiting deliberate acts where you are no doubt going to get hurt, hence i have never watched jackass, I do find this forthcoming Johnny Knoxville tome particularly appeals to my sordid sense of humour, especially the pagent scene.

    Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa - Official Trailer - YouTube

    Ps reading the Hobbit at the moment!
  8. That really is good quality shite! so good it could be used a fertilizer.....or not!
  9. Funks - Who commissions this shite? The BBC do - at licence-payers' expense... Along with all that other outdated crap that they make - Citizen Khan : WTF ? ! ? And then when anyone complains they churn out that smug twat Jeremy Vine on Point Of View or whatever it's called this week to say "well, we think it's ok... And by the way you have no choice but to pay the licence fee, so we can make whatever old shit we like..."
  10. 'Dave', one of the original Clangers creators sons is in on the new Clangers; still using the same animation techniques too. Hectors House should come back too in my opinion! "I'm a silly old Hector".
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  11. My telly gets turned on every other weekend in the summer for the motogp, and even that's gonna be denied me next year.
  12. Strictly.....
  13. Probably the best reason for watching Strictly............

  14. her face looks like a cut n shut.
  15. You have no taste. Fact.
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  16. nice bod, its just the cu n' shut face...looks sewn on, a bit like the hairline...id still bop it though, but would rather enjoy rachel riley's 2 from the top and a little bottom. View attachment 20857
    #56 funkyrimpler, Oct 19, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2013
  17. For god's sake Funky: that clip is 8m long. What are you trying to do to us?

    I didn't make it to the end if the first minute. Desperately unfunny. Embarrassingly poor.
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  18. TV hasn't "gone wrong" - that is just rose-tinted bifocal mirror shades.

    TV has always been predominantly tosh with some great stuff mixed in. One of the best bits of the invention is the on/off button. This allows you to ignore the tosh and do other things. Another useful feature is the ability to record stuff for later viewing whilst you do something more entertaining.

    I especially like watching sport and documentaries. In fact, the Open University programmes in the middle of the night are some of the best stuff.
  19. Telly is SHIT. Back in the day there were 5 channels of SHIT to choose from, if you're a bit older you'll remember 4 channels of SHIT and if you're even older just 3 channels of SHIT!. Now there are thousands of channels of SHIT and you spend all night flicking through SHIT trying to decide what SHIT to watch!.
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  20. I remember 2 channels of SHIT and I'm not even that old.
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