These things never surprise me. Just another chav window licker taking the piss. Hope he gets a year behind bars at least. Not that that will teach him.
If you get a short on-the-spot ban in France, you may find it does not come into effect for 48 hours (study the papers carefully). Just enough time to get to Calais. If you're on the way out, you may have to turn round and head for home, or else you risk really big trouble.
classic police tactic lol wait in the court car park. what a dickhead hope he gets well buggered in the who wants to be mummy lol.
Cheeky chappy but whats the big deal as he just tried his luck and got caught.How much does a year in jail cost the tax payer lol. Surely a tag would cost a lot less and a extended ban maybe.
Banned for speeding and then carries on driving/riding.Good on him I say.I would say that though as I hate the revenue makers hiding in bushes nicking you for 34 in a 30. Sneeky bastards are always out on the nice rural roads used by bikers round here every time the sun is out.
Incorrect. The process is to immediately appeal. And I mean immediately, as in having an appeal letter in your pocket and giving to to the court there and then. Appeal submitted, ban suspended. Await next court date and drive until then.
When it says "the car was siezed" I hope it also means "and crushed" ! Dick-heads like that who think they are totally above the law are a dangerous menace. Think about it - driving whilst disqualified means NOT INSURED, so everyone who says they can't see a problem - just hope it's not you that the dick runs into...
Could not agree more. Anyone willing to drive whilst banned, and therefore uninsured is not likely to give two hoots about the biker he just cut up.......or knocked off.
Hang on wasn't he done for speeding not causing a accident lol.I feel for the guy getting banned as I have been on 9 points for basically fook all but was lucky and avoided the revenue makers after that more down to luck.I have three points now for speeding on a empty road and took the points instead of some twat on a improvement course teaching me to suck eggs. However probably not the best idea to jump straight back in your vehicle outside the court lmfao. Still id rather see a fine than banned for speeding if no accident was caused by this.He will loose his job if he is employed maybe and also his car will probably crushed and more when he is in court again.So I guess its fair to say he my have learnt his lesson plus you all get to wave your finger of disapproval at him. Hardly the crime of the century.
I have to agree with Matt. Yes, I know speeding is a crime, but in the vast vast majority of cases hurts no-one. Ze germans have no speed limits on their autobahns - we have speed cameras. What's the difference?