An open question for all members

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by mattmccabebrown, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Abuse of power, i enjoyed it myself at oen stage....but yeah, some ppl do need a "time out". Cant see too much of that here needed though (?).
  2. Come on Matt, give me an infraction stick, I wanna biff a few people...
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  3. do the opposite of DuN wats gone wrong there then? was allways a busy wee place.
  4. There would be genocide if you got one.

    Who biffs the biffers?
  5. I've biffed a few in my time :frown:
  6. An image of the biffers on here.......scary!
    View attachment 20862
  7. I've had her :frown:

  8. It shows, she's not smiled since......
  9. You're second on the list...
  10. how about displaying each member's main bike(s) in their little user square thingy that is displayed next to their message?...or has that already been mentioned?...
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  11. Only people born in 1950 or before still use CG Times!
  12. I know this is taking too long, much longer than planned. I'm still waiting for the final OK from the Big Boss Man before I'm let loose with the 'keyboard of change' Bit like the wind of change, but with short hair and lot more keys :smile:

  13. Amended for you
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  14. Who's the BBM :redface:

    We getting more smileys ?
  15. Rob, founder and owner. More smileys are on the list :upyeah:
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  16. Good man.....v pro-active...:biggrin:
  17. Is he bollox.........wheres the split of bikes into families that he promised? :mad:

    I'm gonna get Fig to infract him. :wink:

  18. Pass the KY..........
  19. hes well broken in.
    Doesn't need KY anymore :p
  20. That's it, spoil my fun:mad:

    What's wrong with spit, ffs..?
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