
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. This is a photo of the Emperor Hirohito in 1936 inspecting an array of Japanese war tubas, as made by Yamaha. Just thought I'd share.
    Japanese war tubas 1936.jpg

    Japanese war tubas 1936.jpg
  2. I guessed somebody would find a clip on YouTuba.

    PS The bit about Yamaha was a joke; the war tubas were real.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Mum could do with one of those.
  4. Im intrigued, what are they ?
  5. ear trumpets
  6. Sort of the ultimate oom-pah band
  7. jesus, they're scary - where's the rest room ?


  8. #10 Ghost Rider, Oct 20, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2013
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  9. You'd need a good set of lungs to blow one of them.
  10. directional audio detection of aircraft

  11. Pardon?
  12. So they are massive ear trumpets but for aircraft ? honest question, like I say I'm intrigued, find this kind of thing really interesting, and yes I need to get out more !!!!
  13. The clue is in Post #3

    Acoustic direction finding of aircraft was a reality but it looked nothing like a war trumpet.
  14. thought they were urinals for giants


  15. It looked more like this (thanks to Douglas Self's wonderful website):
    Acoustic Radar.
    #17 Pete1950, Oct 20, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2013
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