Where has TV gone wrong?........Q

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Phartycr0c, Oct 17, 2013.

  1. Two and a half actually, you're forgetting BBC2 - unless you really are that old...
  2. I was 4 when it was launched.

    Didn't make any difference to me. Our set couldn't even get ITV at the time.
  3. I can remember the excitement at getting a colour telly for the first time. The old man bought it for the Rumble in the Jungle. Caused no end of rows between him and mum cos he'd spent the best part of a months wages on it. I didn't care, I got to stay up late and watch one the most memorable fights ever:upyeah:
  4. oh Glidd, do you think i actually bothered to watch ANY of it?? i just pasted the first one i saw on youtube...youve only got see..umm...10 seconds to confirm what you thought in the first nano second...utter tripe, drivel and dross..it was the same bellend who was in that 'comedy' with all the priests in it....shite
  5. unless you fancy watching the same old SHIT repeated 4 times a day on Dave that you watched, bored out of your tiny mind, years ago..
  6. was that one where your mum beat your dads arse to a pulp on the living room carpet?
  7. No, mum was soft as a kitten. It was my nan that threw the punches...
  8. All is not lost, Man About The House Film is on ITV 3 at the moment, why isn't life like that any more?
  9. Always good to trot out the old racist and sexist movies, eh....but never fear people, Strictly in on in 2 :upyeah:

    Still wondering when 'I had a Brucie bonus...' Will the the Sun headline...
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  10. Some of you out there in forum web world must have had the (miss) fortune to suffer the single BFBS channel back in the day?

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  11. Indeed, but different folk have their own varied ideas about what the dross is. I, my wife, my kids, and my 90 year old auntie all have totally different notions what constitute the gems and the dross. Broadcasters try to address a wide range of demographics with different offerings, but they can't please all of the people all of the time. This is not much of a complaint, frankly.
  12. lighten up pete...:redface:
  13. BFBS and AFN ... when it's on, I can't even be sure it is on. Talk about vacuous.
    #74 Loz, Oct 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 21, 2013
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  14. Get a grip, Funky.
  15. Remember growing up having astronauts and athletes as my heroes, poor kids these days have Snooki and Katie Price.
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  16. BFBS provides all our TV in the Falklands. This is what we get : BBC1, BBC2, ITV, BFBS Extra (CBBC in the day and random stuff from ITV3 or BBC4 in the evenings), Sky Sport 1 (football), Sky Sport 2 (more football), BFBS Sport (mostly Sky Sports news - people talking about football), Sky News (a ten minute loop of headlines), BBC News (a twenty minute loop of headlines), Nepalese TV (for the Gurhkas, probably the best channel here!). So, not only is most of our television crap and/or football, it's not even very much crap and/or football... Think yourselves lucky all of you that have dozens of channels of crap to choose from !
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  17. When they stopped showing " on the Buses" " The Good Life" and" Alf Garnet".
  18. TOWIE = Tallentless Orange Wankers In Essex
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