Ive been doing a Michel Thomas language course and always have to dismiss his absurd wig from my mind when studying....whilst looking for pictures of his syrup I stumbled across this. Fkn wogan, what is he thinking?? View attachment 20887 View attachment 20890 heres michel thomas..a wonderful, talented man, and may his soul rest in peace..but for effs mickey...have a word with yourself..in english.. View attachment 20888 View attachment 20889 what about tony blackburn...dear god help us.. rumour has it that chris evans wears an irish..?
That's a comb over in the extreme. Some lucky barsteward will get paid a fortune to style that for him
thats my mirkin on his head.. i think Trump has actually got a triple combover going on there...a proper Brunel feat of engineering...
Nothing wrong with a bold man just let yourself go free Wig wearers obviously have no friends being let out looking like that :-O
Seriously I do feel sorry for blokes I'd be devastated if I lost my hair. I had a bad incident in my teens where a hairdresser bleached my hair and then the trainee put perm chemical on my hair by mistake.. They washed my hair and I noticed a silence then whispering... My hair was snapping off at the roots. It actually burnt my scalp . I woke up the next morning with my then husband freaking out and in the night my then blonde hair had mostly broken off areas of my hair was 3mm long . I had no choice but to shave my head and leave a bit of a fringe. This was before you would have sued the arse off them!!!! They paid for me to have some conditioners to help my hair grow I had to wear a hat for 3 months even at work. Men do not do combovers or bad syrups please!! Most of us woman don't care if you have a shaved head or have lost hair ! We really do not mind
id be devasted if i went bald although my hair is thinner than it was... luckily im very handsome and think that i could carry off the bald look, but id prefer to keep my youthful locks a bit longer...i know deep down that i probably cant trade on my natural good looks and charm forever...