Nerdtard gulty pleasures..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Yeah Baldy, i used alclad on the engine parts and other bits were resin cast..i'd need to dig out the boxes (everythings packed away at the moment because im redecorating my geek suite), but i think i used top studio and studio 27..
    i want the final article to be show quality, but i havent been it for about a year due to other things, but hopefully i may be able to get back to it around christmas time...i even thought about doing something easy in the meantime, but my other projects are all kitchen sink ones like this with a storage box full of bits...i was even gonna have a go at a bit of Valentino diorama....
    (Hanging head in shame emoticon required)..

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  2. ok, one more, then thats it....this is to give you an idea of the scale im working to here...

    View attachment 20962

    re the eyesight thing...i use those paedo specs with the inter-changeable magnifying lenses and headlight..i look like buffalo bill from silence of the lambs (especially when i have a tuck under)..but its a great bit of kit..i also have a couple of really bright deks lamps, although they can make it quite hot but great for eliminating shadows.
    #5 funkyrimpler, Oct 21, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2013
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  3. Spot on, I have a link that I will have to search out, I always thought I was a good modeller but this Japanese competition site is amazing, guys casting their own engines, wheels, body work from resin, using a small lathe/milling machine to make up parts, amazing. I love the exhaust blueing, did something similar on a couple of 2 stroke racers with my airbrush. How do you get on with AlClad? I know what you mean about doing something simple, you can get caught up in doing a bike to show standard uber realistic and I found sometimes I started to go off the boil and become dis-interested.
  4. PM replied too. Try this site its in Japanese do a google translate and go through the years competitions some average stuff, but some amazing stuff.
  5. Tim, have you seen some of the japanese guys on youtube? they have a modellers tv show over there..some of the stuff is literally beyond belief...some of the guys should really be proctologists...theyre that anal.
    if i can find the actual tv channel i'll send you a link..they also do some good tutorials and have a geek off between two professionals...the ferrari F40 vs Gibernau Honda is one of the best..the bike dude makes his own screen, and car guy, his own rivets!!
    i think one of them, even had sex....once....with an actual girl...well, 'real doll'.
  6. I don't know how detailed it was, but have you seen the guy that built the scale Ferrari, complete with engine? I'd Google it if I wasn't posting from my phone.
  7. yeah mate..on a geek forum i frequent(ed) a bloke is on about year 6 of a classic alfa romeo race car build...its staggering..all made from metal in his workshop....i'll see if i can find it again at some point...its even got wire wheels...
    if DVLA find out about it, i bet the fkrs will insist that he has it SORN.
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  8. Love this stuff Si, really cool :upyeah:
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  9. Si, you can get small modelling drill bits to drill out the discs, sprockets etc makes them look better than painting them, if you go to the nationals you will find them
  10. dude ive already got two pin vices...thats how i drilled out the tiny holes to fit all the electrical connectors and what not..ive used actual metal brake discs on this build, if i stick to plastic i always drill them out. its all these little details that make a huge difference.
  11. since these were taken ive married the engine up to the frame and painted the body panels..i'll take some pics in the next couple of days
  12. this is a momentous moment in the history of our forum. Si finally uses the word married when talking about him self :tongue:...well sorta :wink:
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  13. bloody hell

    (crying emoticon please)

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  14. Ha your as anal as I am :)
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  15. Geek!
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  16. Your good Rimpy but are you THAT GOOD , lets see some proper tyre wear on those slicks pal.
    Unless there worn to the edge with beads of rubber balling off your a f**kin amateur chump. :biggrin:
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