Nerdtard gulty pleasures..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. They are scrubbed in he has rubbed off the ridges and its pre race post warm up lap :)
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  2. youre good you are Baldy me old mate!
  3. oops double bubble..
  4. yeah the 888 is on my list...
    i did a 916 when i returned to my inner child a few years ago. i was hoping that Tamiya would release a 1098 so that i could have a set of superbikes but they never did..probably ducati being awkward..the 888 kit is deleted now but you often see it on fleabay..might get one for the sake of it.
  5. Feck I am loving that heat stain on the pipe, once I have unpacked some of mine I will post them up (just moved).
  6. you cant beat having a few stains on yer pipe

    (thought id get that one in before phill gets here)
  7. You can still order the 888 from ebay or japan, cheaper than the UK even with postage, just ordered an ncr 900, got an 888 waiting too be built tempted to do a radical ducati job on it ;)
  8. I picked up a Protar 1/9th metal 888 SP4 kit for about £15 on Ebay recently, it's finding time to start it.
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  9. Kin ell, bargain, Protar do some great old bikes G50's, Manx Norton, MV 500's.
  10. Im now going to break with the bike scene with a few of mine all 1/32







    Must have a go at a bike sometime!
    #32 Phartycr0c, Oct 21, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2013
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  11. My favourite Jet an F4, is that the Tam kit? I love the South East Asia (Vietnam) colour scheme. SU27? gorgeous
  12. Cheers bud, yep Tamiya C with Cutting Edge Michigan ANG markings which are now as rare as rocking horse poo.

    Talking of which, there is a 1/9 protar 750ss up on Ebay. God I would love to have a go at that kit but at £120.00 I think not!

    Baldy, when you say nationals I take it you mean Telford?
  13. Yep, as always Telford it is. The 750ss is representative of the price of the real thing :(. Im more of a 72nd than 32nd man. Got a few 48th but apart from bikes my interest is ww2 RAF, primarily Bomber Command or Coastal Command.
  14. good detail, how do you manage to work such small tools? is it practise or experiance.
  15. looks like were going to telford then....


  16. both mate...

    its ironic, that i can do this mind numblingly fiddly stuff all day....but give me a motorbike with a seized nut and bolt, or some inaccessible part and i turn ferrel...
  17. ive bought a lot of my nerd stuff from japan..theyre level of geekdom is beyond compare..they do some great aftermarket decak kits..i cant remember the site i used to buy from but they did some great stuff...
    My camel decals came from japan as tamiya never released that particular bike.
    So far, ive built every bike that vale has ridden with the exception of the current machine.
  18. I'm guessing that most Japanese modellers don't have bikes, how else would they have the time :) Whilst I love Vale I'm not so into the bikes. I did see that they did the Hawaiian decal sheet for a while. Stupid really that you can buy a metal kit built for £90 that is accurate yet we buy the kits, then the decals then the transkit etched brass and spend more time building it :). I want too build my AMA racers soon and so chuffed that I have several schwantz kits, the one I really want that I missed and have never seen is the Aoshima mad max Z900/1000 Jim Goose kits, diorama of that with a Toecutter would be awesome
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