Nerdtard gulty pleasures..

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Oct 21, 2013.

  1. Geeky stewards, but gods amongst model makers, I'll give you that , I was into it as a kid and built all sorts of stuff to a good standard but nowhere near those skills. Congratulations very impressive.
  2. Funkster = Geekster!

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  3. So, do you buy these as a kit, say from Tamiya, and put them together and paint them up, or do you actually make each individual part by hand..and them put it all together?
  4. I tried my hand at model making back in the day. But in all honesty I derived far more pleasure from having a fiddle with Jenny Jones from the next village...
  5. Hang on a minute.

    So you can deal with super small and amazingly detailed bits of art like this but you cant take off an exhaust because of anger issues?

    You sir are crackers
  6. telling you...fkn mental...

    its inaccessibility and seized nuts m'boy....drives me fkn crazy.
  7. bloody hell fire..the man had an obsession!!
  8. I learnt about using small tools from my wife!

    I got back into modelling as I have twin boys who were increasingly spending more and more time on the computer and not exchanging so much as a grunt.

    I remember the many happy hours I enjoyed sitting at the dining room table with my deceased and sorely missed dad who insisted that putting model kits together would improve my understanding of how to follow instructions in a logical order, hand eye coordination, dexterity patience and taking pride in producing a finished article.

    This transferred to my dismantling and repairing my own cars and bikes, even had parts left over!

    Having kids of my own, I could definitely see where he was coming from, the boys have both, in a manner, taken to modelling, although their attention span is not a patch on mine! Anyhow they are both now 16 and both have stunning girlies in tow, not that that has anything to do with putting plastic kits together but hopefully they will remember fondly time spent with their old man getting fingerprints on clear window bits and paintwork, something they may even enjoy with their kids.....but then again!
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  9. In my case its from kits which do vary greatly in quality, although there is a plethora of aftermarket items available to improve the originals so really the skys the limit on how much you want to "invest"
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  10. which shows that deep down inside every bloke is a sex pest lurking in the psychological bushes....

    i havent made these, but heres a few really impressive dioramas i thought you might like:

    View attachment 21025 View attachment 21026 View attachment 21027
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  11. ive got some others that are even better but the site wont let me upload them (ive probably exceeded my limit)
  12. join photobucket, its free so you have no excuse :)
  13. do i need a license?
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  14. gsxrr1.jpg gsxrr.jpg
    Just moved and starting a new one, Gsxrr schwantz 1986 Yoshi rep with etch brass, stainless silencer etc the small pic shows battery box in etched brass comprising of 10 pieces, 1st pic shows some of the etch brass including 3rd up on the right exhaust springs :)


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  15. Dude, i think we are both ill.
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