World War Z!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. I likes Zombies I do!!... :upyeah::upyeah::eek:
  2. i couldn't eat a whole one.....
  3. Walking dead's back on :eek:
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  4. brilliant book, don't think the film follows it too closely but looks like a good watch.
  5. I enjoyed it. One of the better zombie movies and good fun if you ignore some of the big holes in the plot. Brad Pitt is a seriously good actor these days.
  6. Why are all zombies thick as shit?
  7. Same reason as people who aren't zombies - their brains are dead :smile:
  8. But they eat brains. Surely they should be more intelligenter?
  9. Only if they eat fish brains
  10. ET's right!
    He's smart. Let's eat his brainzzzzz .....
  11. If they were intelligent they'd eat biscuits and cake. Eating someones brains doesn't sound very intelligent to me. Its hardly a convenience food.
  12. It's convenient if you live over the road from a cemetery :wink:
  13. I couldn't eat brains; too much like semolina or that frogspawn stuff they used to give you at school.
  14. Tapioca? Fucking horrid stuff. :mad:

    Or do you mean Sago? Either way they were both horrible.
  15. Tapioca. How could I forget:eek:
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