Because youre worth it.....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. That's what you call "looking after your own" :rolleyes:
  2. as aside, look at the right hand column of utter tripe and shite on the daily mail page...the first 6 celeb gossip stories are all about kim weve got a story of a £92k salary and this mind numbing shit all on the same page...thats the hypocrisy of the daily fail, and the state of the great unwashed as a whole..deplorable.
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  3. But come on, these hyper intelligent, super-hard working folk have earned their 11% rise while the rest of us suffer. A true statement of "do as I say, not as I do."

    how the fuck do they justify the ludicrous expenses and fringe benefits? They choose to take a job in London, if they don't want to put up with London costs, then fuck off to a job where they can afford to live. Is there a single real world job out there where people are paid to commute, paid for a second home near the office, paid for their meals and drinks and other living expenses? Not that I know of.

    greedy, self-serving, megalomaniac bastards.
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  4. Tend to agree. Never seen or met a politician that has been worth a vote, or my hard earned tax payments. Most of them seem to be argumentative idiots with crazy schemes, or money grubbing cnuts with no morals...
  5. bunch of whores.
  6. Our government represents the cream of Great Britain:

    Rich & thick....
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  7. Don't forget the ACPO cash-cow.
  8. Don't pay enough and all you get are rich, out if touch politicians. Bit like the front benches then.,.
  9. ...and at lease the utilities far cats aren't on the taxpayers payroll
  10. + 1 , most politicians now originate from a private education where families have money. We need a decent salary to attract some 'normal, intelligent' people into standing for election.
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  11. Never believe a word the the Mail publish anyway, amazed so many people read it
  12. I don't think £92k is excessive for an MP. What is unaccecptable is an 11% payrise, plus perks, at a time when the rest of the country are lucky to get even a less than inflationary pay rise.

    For a better undertanding of the current state of play I would recommend, again, The Triumph of the Political Class by Peter Oborne.

    Social mobility is falling, wealth and power is polarising and the middle classes are shrinking.

    The sense of self entitlement of those at the top of the public, private and political sectors is staggering.

    We are told that a recovery is underway yet the fundamentals are the same or worse than they were in 2008 before the crash. Debt continues to rise and the can is being kicked down the road, witness what has just happened in the US. Those at the top are grabbing what they can whilst they can.
    #15 johnv, Oct 23, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2013
  13. Private business, in theory, pays high based on delivery, I.e. Shareholder pleasing (without entering the moral debate on whether the same monopoly would have still delivered even with an orang-utan at the helm), and the energy and utilities are seen as good safe havens by our pension funds.

    chief police officers are, in theory, rewarded for results, I.e. Reduction in reported crime, etc (without entering the debate on real vs reported crime).

    politicians, IMHO, merely turn up to bury their snouts in the trough and see what new ways there are to freeload off the state, then get their buddy's in a quango to give them even more.

    not that I'm biased in any way.
  14. Unlike the bankers.
  15. going to go out on a limb here and suggest politicians are a monster of our own making.
    how many would vote for a politician who tells it like it is.
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  16. Read 1984. It tells you all you need to know about where we are heading.
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