Just been introduced to these by my daughter. While I fully support our Police force I think that something like this does them a world of good to show the good and the bad. If you have not come across this have a look on UTube under love police there are loads of videos. The good cops come out brilliantly and are a model of what our police force should be. However the community support boys seem to be the jumped up idiots that I had expected them to be. My wife was stopped by one, for a minor traffic offence, who then called for backup and all because she said my wife did not apologise. I digress. In a free society I think this is just a great way of letting the force know that they are on public view and reminding them that they are there to serve the community not big business. I feel some arguments coming so lets batten down the hatches and wait for the replies. We are supposed to live in a free society so power to the people. Regards Woolfie Smith ( your old if you remember who that is )
There is only one way to deal with the Police and that is to have as little to do with them as possible. Its easier not to speak with them, I have no reason to do so there for I do not.
As someone who has a reasonable amount of experience with plod, the trick is to be civil and friendly. Be shirty and you will be treated like a plum. Be nice and more often than not will be told to move along and behave/dont get caught. They have a job to do and sometimes its their job to tell us we are being silly. Accept that and move on. Take the right attitude with you and the police are fine. There are always exceptions to any rule. Showing this exception does not win an argument or prove any point. It merely shows one exception and that is it. I learnt to be nice to the police at an early age after a few beatings. Which if I am honest, i deserved.
The only people who become coppers are all the kids at school who used to get beaten up for being dicks. They do this to get their own back...
pcso community support officers have limited powers initially created to bullshit the public who always want to see bobbies on the beat .they were cheap on minimum wage ,these officers have limited training and few powers. at a distance you think its a cop but they are far from it . but remember behind the uniform there is a person some are ok people with common sence. some are idiots like all walks of life. i'm a cop as most of you know .and with pleb gate we get beaten up a lot (what a waste of money by the way) ..but in the middle of the night when some scum breaks into your house who do you call ? i would prefer Britsh police over any other countrys all day long .yes i had cut in allowances and pay and made to pay bigger pension contributions ,beat up a cop week ,,but watch out you might end up with robots who do it by the book with no empathy
Kids who got beaten up at school were not dicks. They were just different. Usually. Or poor. Or weak. The dicks were the bullies. Its the odd people in life i like the most.
I find the only people that have an issue with the coppers are the ones that deserve it. They are there to protect us, help us etc etc, and as mentioned above, sometimes you need to be told that your acting like a prat. I am guilty of it too I am no saint and in my younger years had a few run ins with the law. Looking back I deserved it. I was pulled over the month or so ago, I know I accelerated hard, I knew I was in a 30mph zone, was above the legal speed limit no for long though, I ran the risk and got caught, I accepted it, the officer pulled me over, said nothing in regards to my loud exhaust, my darker than usual visor he spoke to me I said sorry accepted and admitted I was silly and he told me to take it easy and go, as the next officer might not take it so easy on me
I had an issue with my smaller than usual number plate. I got tugged. However I had only had the 1198 for about a week and the number plate I put on had a letter wrong on the registration. Thus it wasnt coming up on his computer. Hence the tug. As he realised I was genuinely not trying to evade speeding cameras, i got a way with a MOT check thingy as proof that i put the real one back on. Instead of the potential fraud i could have been done for. Had I been shirty I would have been done up. But as I tend to treat them as humans I get away with more than I get done for. I often get 'told off' for my number plate, but generally only get fined once a year. Mostly they just let me go after a chat about bikes. There are always exceptions. I had one go over my 916 with a fine tooth comb trying to find something wrong with it after I entered the M25 from the A21 at speeds in excess of 120mph at about 2am. But as I am in tune with anything keeping up with me I slowed to normal speed before he had a chance to get a speed fix on me. He could find nought wrong with my bike. He tried to say my chain was slack so I sat on the bike and showed it was not. So all he could do was give me a producer. To be fair I was speeding so he was well within his rights. So I just said yes sir no sir three bags full sir. He was a tit, his mate was okay and I could see him roll his eyes as the tit checked every nut and bolt looking for a something to do me for. Coppers are just people. There are good and bad. Sometimes theyve had a bad day too. I had issues with them as a kid as Ive said but I generally deserved everything i got.
"Power to the people !" - The fact that anyone can say "there will always be exceptions" shows what we have come to expect from our police force. There shouldn't be exceptions... But when senior police officers can, so easily, be shown to be lying (Plebgate enquiry) then what hope is there for the rest of the force ?
Chaps I think you are missing the point have a look at the Love Police videos on UTube then discuss Regards Steve
JR there are always exceptions to everything. You know this is true. Anything that has human involvement anywhere will have an exception. To remove the exception is to remove the humanity. Unfortunately robotic officers are yet to be invented as is some form of AI political authority.
Yeah, dont google blue waffle either. Nor mega squirt. Mega squirt is a fuel injection system for old veedubs but i recommend not googling it with your boss nearby.
Boots, I know... I don't live in an ideal world. My comment was more about the acceptance of a less than ideal situation and the unwillingness to strive to make it better. It was a comment about the general public's expectations... Maybe it was a bit "heavy" for this time of day...