Are men getting smaller

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Martin o, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. Looking at the 899 and wondering do you have to be ladyboy size to fit on it.

    What do you think.:smile:
  2. Racers are getting smaller
  3. Getting?!
  4. Its one reason bikes are getting lighter. Make it smaller, reduce materials (and material costs) and reduce the total mass.
  5. I'm 5'8" and 10st. I laugh, haha, at you fatties and lanky types in your race suits. Ducati's fit me well.
  6. Skinny Twat :biggrin:
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  7. i thought it was a girls bike...
  8. the wife will be pleased
  9. 6'3, just under 16 stone and I fit the 1199 and 899 fine thank you very much :upyeah:
  10. I second that!

    6"3' and 17.5st :( I was 18.5 so moving in the right direction, albeit in a pissed stagger home from the pub kind of way.

    Pani fits well tbh, although I need to get the new pegs adjusted down a touch I think, feel like a podgy jockey on it atm
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  11. Fat knacker! :wink:
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  12. Im about the same, pretty broad though, always have been.

    thats why some motorbike gear doesn't fit that well because by the time it's big enough across the shoulders and chest there's far too much material around the midriff.

    for bikes I'd rather be big I think than small, at least being big I can ride anything from tall supermotos down to superbikes, I read far too much stuff about short blokes saying they can't get their feet down, that'd piss me right off
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  13. 5'-6" & 12st here...........Seat height of the 899 is too much for me but I doubt if my chest and shoulders could fit behind the screen etc............

    My ZZR1100 had a lower seat and the CofG was really low, so I had no issues with what to me is a big bike.....
  14. Not quite :tongue:
  15. Just get some boots with heels :)
  16. Can I borrow yours? :smile:
  17. You did last night ;-)
  18. I,m 6ft 4" and around 16stone. The 1098 is about the best fitting sports bike I have had. I can't fit the fireblades etc. I hear the rsv4 is tiny but someone told me the s1000rr is a good size bike for the larger male?
  19. I'm only 5'8" but can get both balls down at the same time on my GSA. Comes with age I suppose :frown:
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