Are men getting smaller

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Martin o, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. Lol that conjures up some images
    What about your feet :-D
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  2. Lots of fatties in here. :tongue:

    I'm 48 and I can still wear 30" waist Levi's. I eat lard, smoke tabs and drink beer too.

    I also have all my own hair.

    Shame about my face really.
  3. Well yes, you big blokes do. It's getting to the point that some of you look like you are riding mini-motos (no offence, or nuffin :wink:)

    Ducatis are exactly the right size for me (well, excluding maybe the multistrada - and I would probably look silly on that); in fact, the 899 would be perfect - now there's a thought... :smile:
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  4. They keep tripping over my balls :biggrin:
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  5. You should tuck em in ya socks.....just dont ride any Unicycles.
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  6. Or a Pogo Stick :biggrin:
  7. Mmmm is that a custard cream over there
  8. Custard creams are rubbish biscuits. Like Bourbons. They are biscuits of the last resort. Now a nice Ginger cream or a Tunnocks wafer mmm, now theyre proper biscuits. Custard creams are pikey biccies. :tongue:

    McVities ginger nuts mmmmm, especially if theyve slightly gone soft.....dribble...
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  9. Get back to yer dancing cats, ya skinny Poof. At 10 stone, what could you possibly know about biscuits :biggrin:
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  10. Certainly is. As they say, there's no substitute for CCs :upyeah:
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  11. I am a biscuit expert. I thus conclude that CC's are shite pikey gypo biscuits. I have concluded this from years of study and extensive testing. The custard cream is suitable only for old ladies, thus I can only conclude that you are indeed an old biddie who smells of wee.
  12. Ginger biscuits are only any good if home mace - that goes for most apart from chocolate hob nobs
  13. Anything that contains Ginger is the work of the Devil !!!!!!

    Now a nice Rich tea with a skim of butter, now thats a Biscuit
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  14. Two rich teas sanwiched with butter is even better. Makes a custard cream look positively anaemic.

    Jamaica Ginger cake may be satans favourite slice of cake but the devil not only has the best tunes she also has the best snacks.
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  15. Blimey what have I started lol
  16. I know, it's crackers in't it :tongue:
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  17. Blimey Viv trust you to kick it all off :biggrin:
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  18. doughnut :tongue:
  19. Hows that for a custard cream !!! custardcream5[1].jpg

  20. How's this for someone who needs to get out more :rolleyes: HobNob2_zpsa30de855.jpg

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