Discussion in 'Lounge' started by nuttynick, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. So I sell my Baines Imola in June 2012 to a French Ducati dealer. He drives over in his van and collects the bike. I send the relevant part of the V5 to DVLA stating it's gone for permanent export. He's happy, I'm happy, job done. During this time we sell the house the Baines was registered to. In fact the Frenchman collected the bike from my current address.
    Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, when a demand from a debt collection agency drops on my doorstep demanding £80 on behalf of DVLA for failure to SORN or tax the Imola. Confused, I think 'No problem, a simple clerical error' and I give them a call. I explain the details to a nice lady who tells me to send all the details in as it appears they didn't receive my part of the V5. She asks if I received conformation if I was no longer the keeper and I tell her that I moved, so probably not, but it was 16 months ago so I can't remember. As they have me at my old address, this also explains why the SORN/tax reminders weren't received by me. Obviously if they had, alarm bells would've rung at the time.
    So I duly send everything off, including links to the ebay auction, and the French guys website with pictures of the bike in his workshop. He even has it as his Facebook profile picture! I explain that I sold the property the bike was registered to at around the same time, and hence had no correspondence from them. In my eyes it's pretty clear cut.
    Today, in the same post, I get another letter from the debt collection agency, and one from DVLA telling me my appeal was unsuccessful and how I'm sure I understand the system is there to stop untaxed vehicles being used on the road! Also, pay the £80 fine now before the bailiffs are sent in!

    WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So, I phone them up and my only option it to appeal the appeal decision. But it's likely to fail unless I can prove that I sent the V5!

    I pay road tax for two cars and two motorcycles, I work hard and pay a stupid amount of tax for the privilege. I pay council tax, and VAT on everything I buy. I've never failed to tax a vehicle. Ever.

    Christ I'm fucking angry! £80 because the Post Office lost my paperwork, and Oh silly me, I didn't send the V5 recorded delivery, and DVLA think that I'm a fucking liar.


    Rant over.
  2. 7/10. Nice work :upyeah:
  3. Would I have scored better if I'd chucked in the odd c*nt? Which in my eyes they are at the moment. I'm a firm believer of 'Do the crime, do the time', and in their eyes not receiving the V5 is the crime. But for fucks sake, is there no common sense in Swansea! Maybe they know it's an easy fine and they won't have to chase me as in the end they know I'll have to pay?
  4. A Cnut would have got you a 9.

    Better luck next time. :upyeah:
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  5. Have you been to Swansea?
  6. Civil underling narsocistic twat servants (CUNTS)
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  7. 7 /10 for me. DVLA are silly daft cnuts. Haven't got a clue, and I used to manage their network team!... Some of the crap they wanted to do was impossible...
  8. Kill them.
  9. Serves you right for selling her. :tongue: 3 cheers for the DVLA
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  10. Don't pay it and write to them telling them the fact.
  11. Any pics of the imola?
  12. They're a useless bunch. Keep writing to them pointing out the errors in what they've said. It takes a while but they back down in the end. At least they did for me when I had a problem with them

    Good Luck
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  13. Bet you have a TV license too...its the ones who ride without tax all the time that never get caught. The system is shite all round
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  14. That's the team that were insufficiently bright to work on the tv licensing unit....
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  15. Part of me says 'Fuck it' and pay because I can't be arsed. The other part of me does a Funky, and tells me to pay them fuck all and shit through their letter box :upyeah:
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  16. Baines IMM.jpg
    Baines IMM.jpg

    Baines IMM.jpg

    Baines IMM.jpg

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  17. Wow thats so pretty.

    I conclude the evidence for the prosecution m'lud. He is guilty of selling a beautiful motorcycle with reckless abandon.

    Hassle from the DVLA is too good for you. I may faint theatrically.
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  18. Do you work for them!
  19. If I did I would't be able to use this here computer.
  20. can you get the guy who bought it to confirm that he bought it ?You said it is on his facebook page so maybe contact him that way ? I dont know what is needed in France to register a bike there but maybe worth checking in case it can only have been done if Swansea did get the V5. good luck with it.
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