Are men getting smaller

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Martin o, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. Dont Worry Johnny.... None taken :upyeah:
  2. The finest biscuits available to all humanity


  3. I do like a nice Vienise whirl
  4. Oh crumbs sorry to take the biscuit
  5. Chocolate bars are getting smaller Yorkies have lost a knoblet and Tobletones are missing a peak

    I wonder if biccies are effected to ?
  6. Yeah, they say its because we've got taller and growd up that they 'appear' to look smaller. I aint falling for that. Again.
  7. Plain mcvities digestive or malted milk dunked in strong English breakfast tea.....heaven!!!!
  8. chocolate malted milk
  9. lotus, biscuit in a jar. given as a wee pressie v.nice.
  10. Make yer mind up. :biggrin:
  11. Eh ??? [​IMG]
  12. The finest biscuits in the world are Fox's Party Rings. Debate over! :upyeah:
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