if I had a 3d printer id print my own katie moss or elle mcpherson.. in fact fuckit - ill print 2 of each
You'd need to learn to sew for the curtains and cushions...and I'd love one too but like a welder I bought I'd never work out how to use it.
I wonder is it possible to make plastic bullets ie have a totally non metal gun. now I can just see the queue at the airport. grr.
How the bloody hell does a 3d printer work? If it can turn a 2d picture into a 3d object, I want one!!!!!!!
Next arrest anyone that has 3D printer and prints pointy objects ..... Idrinkbeer maybe ceramic bullet?
Layers mate, 3d renders / CAD files are built up by 1000's of layers. a chap I know from my industry runs his own company and he sells a range of them, rather interesting stuff.
ceramic is too light for bullet Any one with a machine shop can make guns ...its really easy and they don't break, its the consistent performance propellant that's the tricky part.
well i do believe your last advise was, if you dont like what those incumbent are doing join up and do it yourself to a better standard...............i await your application.
Alas too old, did think of joining as a kid but the helmet was too big...so guess it will have to be politics and apply for one of those civi commisioner posts that tell the brass what to do instead. Like your thinking
yeah you could get into the real world like my PCC apparently he has eradicated drugs...........reduced crime by 40%........and we are having the safest roads in the country..........all for an extra 1.8 million his office has cost so far this year.....
A nice average 5'8 thats me ;-) used go be 6'1 but the weight of working hard to keep my family afloat has taken its toll...