Inguinal hernia surgery

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Oct 24, 2013.

  1. Bed baths to look forward to :wink:
  2. Won't be lifting any Ducati engines then???

  3. I haven't been able to do that for months. Once this is healed, I hope to be up to lifting Pantah engines again. In the meantime all that will have to wait for a bit.
  4. edited for you

  5. Glad it went well and hopefully you'll be back out on the Multi soon!
  6. Alcohol will help with the pain relief. At least I think it will. Hang on, I'll give it a go and report back...
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  7. Good news, and take it easy :upyeah:
  8. Take it easy Pete. Two of my friends had similar surgery - a mesh lining was used in both cases. The guy who took his time made an excellent recovery, not so for the man who tried lifting weights a little too soon....

    Good luck with your recuperation. :upyeah:
  9. Good luck with your recovery and well done on getting your surgery 364 days early.
  10. He was probably at Oxford with the surgeon :upyeah:
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  11. Good to see your up and about Pete
    Take it easy :)
  12. I took my first ride on the bike today (3/11) after surgery on 25/10. The Multistrada is such a pussycat to ride in the Urban mode. It went well but I took it very easy, just an hour's riding locally in fine sunny weather. No longer on painkillers, anticoagulants, or laxatives and the wound is healing perfectly. I can't lift anything heavy though.
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  13. Nice 1.:upyeah:. Good on you mate.

  14. Don't rush it or you'll make it worse :wink:
  15. Glad to hear its all going well, take your time with the recovery and it should all be good!
  16. Pete, I just saw this - hope all is continuing to go well.
  17. Baby steps :upyeah:
  18. By the way, if there is anyone who does not think there is any need for a "soft, low-power, safe" mode on a bike, I am finding it very useful and helpful at the moment.
  19. Just be very very careful over next 6 months. No sudden twists or pulls using lower abdominals. Have had 2 mesh repair ops for the same problem. Even a year on got the odd twinge but not had to go back in to my local NHS b&b. First hernia caused by lifting DR300 off the floor that 2 plankton tried stealing. They cut the loom, kick started it but didn't see the small padlock i'd put though the rear cog and chain. Causing it to jam after 2 foot of travel.
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