If you had £60K would you buy this?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PeterT, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. 60 grand for a lump of pig iron? Are they mad?
  2. and it's the slow colour.....
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  3. Nope, rather have a Diavel and spend the balance on other stuff!
  4. Ffs....really...thats stoopid money. Theres a market for them, thats worse ?!
  5. Meanwhile on the HD forums there will be a pic of Panigale SL with pretty much the same question and responses
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  6. Sixty large for a sludge pump, no thanks
  7. Although its like comparing a swiss watch with a sundial
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  8. No... Next question...
  9. boat anchor
  10. i wouldnt spend £60k on any bike....certainly not a fuggin Hardly Ableson.
  11. Nope and I doubt anybody on here would
  12. I don't really appreciate the custom chopper thing, but even to my un-trained eye that looks utterly shyte.

    Just think of all the things you could buy with £60k.............
  13. How about a Roland Sands, or Orange County, or Arlen Ness ?
  14. If I bought an OC custom, i'd expect a free DVD boxset showing them making the thing then acting like children in the background
  15. I think I've seen that bike in the flesh, and it is very well made. Sixty grand is ridiculous though. Mind you, have any of you checked out the prices on the classic scene lately...still scrap iron and shite performance, still massively overpriced.
  16. There are a lot of people out there with zero taste but with very deep pockets, there must be a rich red neck hillbilly out there somewhere who thinks that is moving art, I think it looks like something out of an an episode of Banana Splits!
  17. Get along to Kempton, they had loads of scrap there at more realistic value
    #19 bradders, Oct 27, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2013
  18. Is that in Russia..?
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