Got a new prostitute blow going on here, I'm sure the seasoned pro which includes a prostate massage for maximum affect will arrive later...
Would have gone out for a blast on the bike, but have to go to lunch with the partners parents... What a facker!... Maybe it will start hurricaning on the way back!
I am glad i had my chimney stack rebuilt this summer as the Met office storm warning starts from 05.00 monday for here, last winter the stack sounded as if i had spooks in the attic knocking to come in.
Mate,you're really asking for it! Just wait a bit, it'll get to you after its beaten the hell out of us down in the SW.
Wind just died down, and the rain lashing, so either its all over or its about to get apocalyptic And a 5am start to be in the midland by 830 tomorrow may be interesting
Sunny here this morning but starting raining about 11am. I can hear the wind at the moment but not currently raining. Got soaked taking the dog out this afternoon, stupid animal wouldn't come into an old barn we passed, got my own back when we got home and I hosed her off, she's a JRT and the undercarriage is very close to the mud. The storm warnings have prompted us to fit the tie down battens which fix the roof of the log cabin to the base, it's only been up a year still better late than never.
Still feck all happening. Bit of wind earlier, bit of rain on the way back from lunch, but no storm!... Disappointed!
I have just checked the weather forecast and the met office doesn't show the wind getting much above 40mph with some gusts up to 50ish for Bath.
Some rain here in Cambs, but quite windy with the odd sunny spell. Went for a ride out this afternoon and it was a case of teady going as the gusts in the countryside were quite strong.