Is this what Westminster does with Ducati's?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. Found this and was terrified ..... :)

    Ducati maybe.jpg

    Ducati maybe.jpg
    • Like Like x 3
  2. OK...........I'll go first.....................what is it? Or rather what do you thinlk it is?
  3. Clutch pressure plates for dry clutch.

    You Ducati newbies would not know with your wet clutches!!
    • Like Like x 2
  4. Is that the "bag of spanners" noise thingy?
  5. Yes it is which might explain why they melt it down to pot hole covers ;)
  6. i see you are on the pavement again Luca.............:wink:
  7. Yep I am. Sunday no one cares on Sunday ..... I hope.
  8. Has it escaped your attention that the 'personal cover' is iron whereas the dry clutch pressure plates are alloy?
  9. I did not check if that one was iron or not my bad ;)
  10. The rust patination did not give you a hint of a clue?
  11. Honestly should I continue?!
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