I bought, as described......A bungalow on top of a hill with far reaching panoramic vista of views.....I confirm its blowing a perfect storm, don't need to watch it on telly, just look outside! Hope my garage survives, it's got me pride&joyinit!:wink: Celtic cross
its windy here and the mrs isn't happy,but I keep telling her if I don't let it go my eyes will pop out
Been a stormy day here, made it worse by going out for a ride this morning well I was in the doghouse so I thought fuck it why not !
Well, 5am and it's definitely windy out. But then it was yesterday am too. Kinda sad now, I was looking forward to a tree-less summer next year.
Windy in London now but rain not bad, just been out with the dog and typical bins and plastic bottles sliding about in strong gusts, tricky day to be out on a bike.
I was out on my bike in the '87 storm; certainly an interesting ride home in the dark, dodging branches and trying to lean into gusting wind only for it to stop suddenly. Got into bed and an hour later was woken by the bed vibrating, the wind was so strong it was making a 1930's solidly-built brick house wobble!
Figaro, I too was out on 2 wheels during the 87 storm. On a scooter rally to Newquay. 2 up on a fully laden Vespa. Ive never crashed so much in my life.