clocks changed

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by idrinkbeer, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. don't you hate the clocks changing? it takes ages to get used to the time change. ffs it doesn't feel like 10 40.
  2. I was a confused puppy early this morning. Wanted to get up early to watch the motogp, my phone said 4am, the wall clock said 5am and my watch (thanks to the battery dying overnight) said 1am. Thankfully the healing power of a cuppa brought me round just in time to watch Redding crash out of the title race...
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  3. didn't get to see the moto 3 or 2 races .grr and sky keep showing bloody gp over and over.
  4. Fooks me up every year, and I hate it being dark at 4!
  5. But it's only 20 past...

  6. now now!
  7. I like the clocks going back as for a few days I don't sleep past the alarm at 6am. but I don't know what the time is as some clocks I've changed, others I haven't and some sort themselves out.
  8. Down here we just don't bother - so now we are only three hours behind the UK, not four... Personally I can never see the point of it and I have never heard any convincing arguments for doing it... Anyone who is actually bothered (farmers or whoever) works around the available daylight, not the clock, so it seems pretty pointless for the rest of the population... It makes it lighter in the morning and darker in the evening - there's still the same amount of daylight no matter what and in a month's time it will be dark in the morning and the evening anyway...
  9. Hate it when it gets dark so early. I feel sorry for the people who leave the house in the dark, work all day, then come back home in the dark. Poor souls :frown:
  10. I don't
  11. hold on..... this isn't a Multistrada thread then?
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  12. Badoom tsh!
  13. I still have the same clock.
  14. It's completely screwed with our baby daughters body clock, she now presumes its feeding time at 5am, pooh time shortly after and play time pre 6am

    ive spent the morning trying to teach her the ways of roll back over in bed and snooze..... Although she just decided back handing her mum in the face for the continuing 20mins was far more important, and to be honest, I agree with her ;)
  15. You would have thought that after sixteen years, your daughter would have got used to it by now :wink:
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  16. If she was 16 mate she'd b getting the backhand from me at 5am and poohing the bed would be emblazoned on Facebook for her friends to see :)
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  17. got to say i love the lie ins during the winter and late evenings up here on the west coast,leave it as it is.
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