Where's all this storm then?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. git!...
  2. 05:00 at Heathrow...very windy. Lost two fence panels.
    06:00 London Southwark (A201) very windy..girl hugging tree to stop blowing away...man holding lamp post..not for the right reasons.
    06:40 A2 (Old Kent Road) scaffolding collapses shutting town bound traffic.
    Took 50 minutes to return to A201, only 3.6 miles away.
    Many trees down blocking roads and paths..very bad in that part of town.
    Brightened up after that until about 1:30 then p!ssed down.
    Now back home at Sunny Heathrow.
    Could have been a lot worse.
    Some cranes down, one in whitehall...this cancelled my last appointment of the day :biggrin:
  3. Hurricane in the US: Board up the windows, get the sandbags in place, stock up on supplies, hide in the cellar and pray for salvation.

    Hurricane in the UK: Ooh, better bring in the washing off the line.
  4. Goverment Advice yesterday evening....if your home is in the eye of the storm, head for your second or third home for safety.
  5. To be fair I did see a lot of trees down this morning on the way to Southampton. Thankfully half the working population threw a sickie, so the journey was easy
  6. happy to oblige, and oooh, yes another g'n't -cheers.

    lovely sandy beach to walk on today, and watch the surfers. Afternoon cod n chips lovely !
  7. That must of taken hours to pick that chair up, are you OK?
  8. We moved house that day in '87. Did it ourselves in a hired Luton van, that was an interesting experience, never again!
  9. Oh for a chain saw and trailer this morning, no blocked roAds between Bath and Porton but enough downed wood to fill our wood store several times over.
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  10. Found some damage tonight, branch off a tree flattened the chickens fence ! Will find out in the morning if any of them have escaped :eek: also a broken bush and flowerpot !
    twas a good move to dismantle the kids trampoline :upyeah:
  11. yous dudes got it bad by the looks of it, usually get that two or three times a year up here, lose power regularly often up to three days at time. bought myself a genny this year, the wife's cooking is bad enough without doing it on an open fire.

  12. Porton?

  13. Interesting watching the weather forecast on BFBS - they cover pretty much everywhere. UK forecast : high winds and a severe weather warning. Falklands : predicted wind speed higher than in UK, but no weather warning. I guess it's all about perception and what you're used to...
  14. Plus fuck all will get damaged there :wink:
  15. Well, there's not many trees to blow over - that's for sure !
  16. It's been windy here the last couple days without any disruption that I know off
    The sun is out today :)
  17. A bit like Health and Safety, the Beeb are shitting themselves over another Michael Fish-style scandal, so anything short of perfect Spring weather will get reported like this for ever more. Get used to it.
  18. Porton
  19. As dawn broke the full horror of the storm damage became apparent
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