Would you want a "Bikes on TV" thread ??

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Android, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. Just wondered whether people would want this as there are a few on Freesat Thursday night (31st)

    Thurs 31st on Freesat

    ch. 402 Bike world 7.30 - 8pm

    ch 405 Great Motorcycle rides 8 - 9pm

    ch.107 Full Throttle 10.30-11.30pm
    • Like Like x 7
  2. Great idea. I'm guessing a sort of if you spot it, you add it sort of deal
  3. Theres one in MCN. Every week. Just copy it.
  4. yes that's what I was thinking

    have just looked at MCN online and nothing I could see, just posts from frustrated forum members.:frown:
  5. Its in the paper. MCN.
  6. where is it?
  7. I havent got my copy yet but its always after the classifieds and before the racing news
  8. In the newsagents, next to the Sun and the Daily Mail normally :tongue:
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  9. where? :wink:
  10. Amended 1.1
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  11. Yep, agree with Android, bikes on tv. Just posted a classic moto gp race in the bike racing section.
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