arseholes what about when you want to return your tax and you redeem it on the 1st of the they give you the remaining days back?? do they fekk...they take another month from you....its just another way to screw the punter again.
There is plenty wrong with the tax system, mainly in todays electronic age, needing a paper copy, but was there any real need to change it to 5 days. Just wasting more money in the implementation
Point taken about having to display it, but I don't understand what you mean by the rest. They're saying you get 14 days grace if you apply the day before your tax runs out. What are you saying they've changed to 5 days... and from what?
When your tax disc runs out at the end of the month, September for example, you had until the 14th of the next month, in this case October, to purchase a new tax disc. You will still only get 12/6 months worth of tax, so the two weeks you may have waited arn't free. From my understanding, this has now changed to the 5th
No. They have extended the period in which it is legal to not display a tax disc from 5 days to 14 days. This is only applicable if you purchase the tax disc BEFORE the end of month. Maybe this is a measure to counteract the privatisation of the Post Office............................................ If you dont pay for tax disc online prior to the 1st of the month you only have 5 days in which it is legal to not display a valid tax disc. Therefore making it more appealing to purchase online..............
I thought that previously the five day thing was just before you taxed or sorned, and that it couldn't be on the road during this time? May be wrong...