Motorcycle Live 2013

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by mattmccabebrown, Oct 29, 2013.

  1. Anybody plan on going. Not sure what day i'll be going. I went on the first Friday and it was heaving. The idea of Sat/Sun doesn't really float my boat for the same reason. I think I may end up going on the Monday :upyeah:
  2. I think I'm going on Monday 25th with DM :smile:
  3. Will Penfold also be going?
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  4. Second Saturday
  5. Crumbs!
  6. Last day for me this year. Tried most days over the years but thought the preview day on the Friday was the best, paid a little more but less crowds. Not sure if they do it now.
  7. Unless more manufacturers commit to the show I shan't be bothering. Hurts me to say that cos I've only missed two or three shows since I was sixteen. Not enjoyed the last few shows though; they don't seem to be selling to me any more, like I'm not the clientelle they want. Perhaps I'm not, who knows.

    Perhaps I really have been there and done that, cos I've seen nothing of interest for years. The show in London was a much more interesting day out, despite there only being 50 or so bikes on display. The Birmingham show needs to go back to the days of loud rock music, fit dorises and bargain gear before I get the same buzz back. It's all a bit too nicey nicey for me these days.
  8. Last day, Sunday. Will bring tools to get some spares for me Mutley on the Ducati stand :upyeah:
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  9. You do know this the Birmingham one, not the joke that was the MCN London Excel show :tongue:
  10. Couldn't tell much difference to be honest. Still the same lack of exhibitors, and the same lack of interest from the few exhibitors that did turn up. At least the London show is closer to home. There use to be a sense of occasion to these shows, all tightly packed spaces, loud music and showing off, a sense of excitement. Now they're like walking round B&Q on a damp weekend.

    A few years ago I could spend almost the entire day rummaging around the bargain bins if there weren't any new bikes to look at, but of course no-one carries any stock any more, so there's no 'last year's colours' to offload. And on the bike stands there used to be some razzamatazz; a slow-moving model could be shifted by sticking a large-chested dolly bird on it or showing some goon stunt-riding the bugger. Now the bikes just sit there on a stand in near silence, no sales pitch, no freebies, no wonder it's not selling.

    The bike industry is trying to make it a family affair. But be honest, how many people here are the sole, male, bike rider in the family (of course there are the lovely DF ladies, but they are very much in the minority)? Fact is, motorbikes is a man thing, and the sooner the industry realises it, the sooner they'll start picking up sales again.
  11. No it's not. :rolleyes:
  12. Spoke to a few small stand peeps this year; Scotoiler, BKS and Arc-on, who all say the cost of turning up is a HUGE for them to be there. I wanted to try some gloves on at the show but Arc-on aren't there this year due to cost. You'd think in this climate the industry would cut the costs for these people to boost companies at the show etc, etc.
    Went to the London show last year and it was very noticeable how it was playing the poor cousin to the Birmingham one. makes a change for London to play second fiddle to a do up north!
    p.s. Do the Ducati bikes have oil in them on the stands? Don't want to make a mess on the floor when I 'recover' a l/h/s engine case!! :biggrin:
  13. I think all the bikes are 'dry' demo bikes. Health and safety and all that. London costs more than Brum, that's what really sucks
  14. Pretty much every major manufacturer is there this year which is the first time since the good old days.

    Exhibitors | Motorcycle Live 2013

    I hear so many moaners about the show but it is what you make of it remember. Just remember to take a packed lunch and its all gravy.

    If your looking for a bargain there are a couple of major differences between the good old days and now....

    +The cost of exhibiting is insane
    +In the last decade there has been something driving dealers prices downward.....EBAY

    I go for the totty :biggrin:
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  15. That's my point, there isn't any. That's what's missing.

    Look at the bikes we ride today - they are are feckin' awesome. When I first went to the Big Bike Show it was at Olympia in a hall a tenth of the size of any recent NEC show and they were still trying to flog us Commandos and Bonnevilles rather than actual useable bikes. But once inside the show it was more of a hedonistic treat than a shopping trip; loud music (any genre, it doesn't really matter); salesman jumping out of the crowd at you trying to make a sale, and fit birds every 10ft.

    The last NEC show I went to took up 2 or 3 halls, had no piped music at all, no lycra-clad dorises, but the most incredible motorcycles one could possibly imagine. Christ, I was bored. I even paid to get into the arena show where they had stunt riders leaping all over the gaff and celebrity bikers chasing Dougie Lampkin up a scaffold. There were scantilly-clad birds eating fire, ffs, but it still totally missed the whole show atmosphere of previous years.

    Sex and drugs and Rock 'n' Roll will sell whatever you like, no matter how shoddy it is, treating it as a family picnic is totally missing the point.
  16. First day for me. Went on opening day last year and it was brilliant, got to meet loads of top bike racers :smile:
  17. There is normally plenty of totty about but.....

    I must admit they seem to be getting younger girls in dressed in lycra these days.

    Not really proper women like you used to get (and still do at car shows) but more like a bunch of dolled up teenage girls handing out Carol Nash bags.

    At least when superbike magazine used to have a stall they had the common decency to put a stripper pole up with some filth to climb it. :eek:

    It just depends on what you want from the day.

    I go to have a laugh with the lads and laugh at how shit the jap bike are now while pondering how the hell they can ask 9K for a 600 that looks so shit.

    Seeing as I live up the road its rude not to attend :cool:
  18. I go for the bikes, not some model in lyrca. Personally I feel sorry for them, bit like a meat market and they're on the menu :frown:
  19. My attendance will be on the 25th as Im treating myself for my birthday. Bonus being there is a starbucks too. I will be in my NHS glasses, 3 quarter length trousers, brown tank top and green parker jacket with fluffy hood. Also my sandwiches and flask will be in my blue Gola sports bag. If you spot me come and say hi. I may even share my Princess spread salmon sandwiches with you
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  20. I go for the fanny. Well, it's not often I get to see a fit bird in a state of undress these days:frown:
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