Any Gamers on here?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Attila, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Even I dont have the time to play MMOs. Those just suck your life right out of you....and not in a good way either
  2. Oh yes! And Amazon just mailed me to say call of duty will be with me and waiting for the ps4 to arrive:)
  3. I see what you mean. They have over 200,000,000 accounts including some ultra-hard core players who have spent over 4-years of their lives playing the game! They have photos and videos of 'factories' in China with 100's of child workers sat on the floor playing (aka 'grinding') the game to create high value/status accounts which are then sold to players around the world! They banned all Chinese IP addresses in order to try to put a stop to this - but it is a never ending battle as the factories find ways round any security measures they take. It is quite a phenomenon - all created by a teenager in their bedroom as a hobby and always been free to play. It went ballistic without any marketing as an early form of web-based social media (chatting while grinding) and made its creator over £100m before he was 30 by enabling players to buy add-ons and features within the free game. It is quite a story RuneScape - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  4. Huge gaming geek here, and all round geek. Work in IT (the techy part haha).
  5. My brother in law is playing GTA on smellbox live, he says its great fun altogether. Might pick up a copy.
  6. I played it for a bit, but the FPS REALLY bother me as I'm a PC gamer, so having it drop to 15fps never mind the average 30fps just infuriates me as I'm used to a solid 60fps+.

    Other than that, the game is bloody brilliant, looks great considering it's on such old hardware.
  7. I was a massive online gamer once. Urban Terror and Desert Combat were my games of choice. I was good too. Clan player. Now I am too old and slow. Besides too many cheats thesedays.

    I'm waiting for xmas for GTAV. I will have time to play it.
  8. I also am an ex online pc gamer. Just ordered moto gp 13 for the ps3 for £17. I got it cas matt says its good. I have high expectations now.:smile:
  9. GTA5 is very good, but in all honesty, GTA4, pus the DLC is a much better game. The only thing that youd want from 5 in 4, is Trevor. Best character Rockstar have ever written
  10. Trevor is epic, put him in psycho mode and the word intense seems lame .... bonkers! I've finished the main missions in sp but left the side missions for a rainy day whilst exploring online mode. Neither disappoint. San Andreas was the GTA game that did it for me ... I still say as a stand alone it's bigger, better and way more difficult than GTAV, but the online scenarios for 5 are potentially endless.

    I'm going to have to look in to the DLC for GTA4 as I'm new to online gaming - ho hum :smile:

    The worst thing about online mode is the endless amount of dicks that go around shooting other players for the hell of it. Especially when you're in the middle of something. This is still nothing more than a minor annoyance as you can still roam in other modes in relative safety and join up for co-op whenever you want, it's a win win. It's not glitch free, but in the main it's a riot.

    Sublime gaming in my limited view - any other recommendations
  11. That is the main reason why I really don't care about going online. For me gaming is all amount the individual experience. I don't want to to do co-op, I don't want to chat with my 'friends' on the interest. I just want to pretend that I'm Batman, or Sterling Moss, or Nicky Hayden, or James Bond.
    Recommendations: Both Borderlands games. All three Bioshock Games (assuming you have an Xbox/PC). All three Dead Space games. Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. That should keep you happy during the winter, although the Borderlands and Fallout games are 40-50hr plus just for the main mission :tongue:
  12. +1 on the fallout games, you might have guessed from my avatar I'm a bit of a fan of them!

    The new Tomb Raider game is superb too, well worth a look

    I love the Borderlands games too, although they are better with friends, co-op really makes them.
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  13. Yeah I enjoyed the latest Tomb Raider. Having played and finished them all since the PS1, I was quite impressed with Anniversary to. All the game play of the original, with far better graphics
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  14. was in argos today and got to play with a ps4 on display with demo games

    bring it on.
    cant wait
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  15. wats the craic with mindcraft its all the wee man ever talks about.
  16. Creepers , green things with square heads that are like a half plant half zombie they blow up and kill you.
    Mining for different minerals ..
    Building stuff ...
    It's quite addictive !
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  17. I'm cack at minecraft, I play it on the PC and jump on my mates server from time to time. I spend all day building a castle (4 wall house) then he shows me his 'tree house'... Sigh.
  18. he went out on guy fox dressed as a character from it. just a box really. crazy kid.

  19. My god it looks staggering! I have Forza pre ordered with my Xbox One roll on the 22nd!
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  20. I hope you enjoy your 720p version

    us ps4 boys cant wait for full 1080p

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