'Secret Fixes'

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Strada_Stu, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Does anyone else know of the 'Secret Fixes' for the Multi? These are not factory recalls but issues that Ducati know about but will only fix if the customer complains.

    I know of a couple: One is the replacement of the rear brake caliper and another is the front fork shims.

    Are there any others?

    Personally, I find it underhand and offensive to conduct business like this and I'm more than a little miffed, to be honest.
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  2. Stu,

    This issue of business practice has already been covered in a previous thread (here) - you'll find pretty much every manufacturer does this for items that are not a full on recall. This is especially the case for such subjective issues like NVH. You've got a lot of people to be miffed at :wink:

    Those are the main 2 that come off the top of my head. Also radiator replacements due to a batch with collapsing internals, and various ECU updates that get applied at service time.
  3. I have just booked in for the replacement Dash because of the fault where other lights flash when indicators are flashing.

    Also being done are the shims for forks, Ducati dealer bulletin 844, to cure the knocking noise from the front end.

    My trip selection switch on the left hand switchgear is playing up, so they will do that as well. All common niggles that Ducati do under warranty
  4. Bikergas: Yes, I've had a new dash too. And a new left-hand selector switch (which is starting to go again). And a new front cylinder head. Apart from that I still love the bike! :biggrin:
  5. My biggest complaint has been the rear brake issue and mine has been fitted with the upgrade and is now back to being non-existant. The front brake is amazing, so all is not bad. Riders are looking at sorting the rear brake out for me.

    To me the problems I have had are just niggles, and they are getting put right, but I do understand some have had worse problems and some faults have taken a long time to get sorted, I just love the bike. Anyone asking me before buying I would say to just do it and enjoy a wonderful bike
  6. Mine is coming up to its 2nd birthday next month and I haven't taken out the extra warranty. I only have 2 niggles to speak of. The rear brake is obviously one but I have decided to accept that. The other is the dash which is always misting up and the neutral light is half on all the time. Anyone had similar thing and if you were me would you be worried.
  7. I've got the rear brake to fix, but I keep bleeding it myself every 1000 miles or so there's a trick to getting the caliper off and high up to let the air rise up :wink: still waiting for the fix that'll happen at the next service. Also get the clunking from the forks that's actually more of an issue than the rear brake, without earplug's it's actually quite noticeable.

    Mines had a front cylinder head as someone above, oil leak it's been back twice for that even had new cams front and rear while it was in???

    Left hand switch gear plays up every now and again but I haven't reported that yet.

    Finally an old point I raised on Ducatisti and Ducati.ms was how much wear there is on the l/hand grip on the heated grips, my bike has done 8.5K now but was noticeable for some time, probably circa 6K, quite a few people reported similar issues but I only think one person managed to have them replaced under warranty as Ducati pulled that as wear and tear
  8. Well, I don't know if I'm that "one person", but I have had my heated grips replaced. :eek: Seriously, unlike the seats which I have been waiting months for, I have actually had the heated grips and keyless filler cap replaced, all under warranty.

    The new grips are completely different, much thicker, and if anything prevent some of the heat coming through. On the old grips, 'max' was too hot on all but the coldest days, whereas now it is acceptable. Possibly not a "good" thing on heated grips, however it is good that they look like they will last.
  9. Got my heated grips replaced at just under 8000m last October..........Ducati may well say 'wear and tear', no argument with that it's just NOT acceptable wear and tear! I had to create a bit of a 'fuss' to get mine replaced.

    Let me know how you get on Chris.....just done 500m since the rear brake 'fix' and now also pretty much as before. Could be that the bleed procedure's not been done right...
    My bike has also been returned to me with the replacement, replacement steering lock not functioning! :-(
  10. As you haven't taken out the extended warranty make sure you log the dash problem with your dealer and make sure he logs it with Ducati, as this is a known issue Ducati should replace FOC in the event of a failure as the defect was registered during the warranty period, I have similar issue with dash and with the level of technology on the Mutli thought it prudent to invest in the extended warranty. The rear brake has had the upgrade and I've done about 6k since then it don't get used much but travel is getting longer, will get checked when it goes in for its 2yr service next month.
  11. Yes, I get the neutral light half-on sometimes - just not when I get to my dealer to show them!

    I've also noticed a new problem when I've been through heavy rain and the bike gets wet - the engine starts to surge up and down, almost likes it's changing gear. I suspect that the ECU is getting confused. The gear indicator on the dash goes haywire too - racing up and down through the gears. It's not actually changing gears - it just looks like it is. It's a bit disconcerting, though!
  12. Water in the Dash unit.....not uncommon issue.....and for other previous Multi models and other Ducati's! ;-)
  13. Oh another which rears it's head occassionally it the clunkiness of the gears, had a few false neutrals last time out usually on the downshifts between 4-3-2
  14. What we need is a friendly contact at a Ducati Dealership that can feed us the 'secret' info.........the details of some Ducati memo's are sneaked out occasionally but it'd be great to have the full picture! I for one appreciate the occasions info is 'leaked' giving me a headsup on things to watch out for or might not spot without a prompt to check.
  15. To be honest guys, these "problems" are pretty thin when you consider what an advanced machine ( in my eyes anyway) the MTS 1200 is - have you seen the moans on UKGSER !! Ride and Enjoy !!
  16. A little known issue was the delivery of red bikes.
    If you have a really good dealer he will change your poor red colour for the best white, but only on request . :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
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  17. have you seen the moans on UKGSER !! Ride and Enjoy !! ..........

    your correct there mate , i had a 1200 gs couldnt get to grips with it at all , it was constantly having issues mainly electrical , it was only 16 months old , the dealers brainwash the owners "bmw service this , bmw recovery that " blah blah ,soon got rid of it .
    With anything that has a lot of electrical stuff and the multi being a new model out there are always issues ,but the bike rides and goes so well you can live with them .
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  18. I had my left hand grip replaced under warranty too, no signs of excessive wear on the new one but it looks exactly the same as the original. My dash lights are also playing up but I am loathe to replace it due to the service notifications and the fact that I'm not sure the new one would not suffer the same problem. Has anyone with a new dash had the problem recurr?

    #18 Splodge, Jun 11, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2012
  19. I've got the bike in for the rear brake (non existent) and LH switch which stops working in the rain. I've also had "red switch not released" a fair few times and the bike cut out on several occasions so I mentioned it and they said they might change that switch as well.

    The wear on my heated grips is also pretty bad, I'll have a go and see if I can get these changed as well.
  20. alternator (generator in ducati speak) went at 8k miles, symptoms was that heated grips would not work properly, sluggish starting, poor idling, got progressevly worse, putting on battery tender every night worked for the following day.

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