Weird question, but I woke this morning after having a dream about losing the front going downhill near my house. Just wondering if anybody else dreams of crashing their bike
Oddly I had one two night ago about binning a Hyper 821 SP while being on tour with my mate, weird thing was I woke up wondering who I'd purchased it from and whether I'd be insured because I couldn't remember telling the insurance company I was heading overseas. honestly it took few minutes before it clicked the whole thing was a dream.
Nope. However, after a particularly bad smash, I had dreams where I used to "save" the bike in highly implausible ways, pulling out of impossible situations. I blame the morphine for that. Awesome dreams though, I was almost literally a riding god.
Last night I was on some old crosser Avoiding a load of traffic & cutting over fields - nearly hit a car at very low speed I remember my dreams quite often They are not usually about bikes though - how odd
Having been riding for over 40 years, Don't lets these thought enter your Head. You will find yourself thinking about it when you should be 100% on the riding. Don't go there. Ride safe Guy and Gals Ken.
I used to have those dreams after a bad smash in 2004 where I broke my neck and back. I put it down to the healing process...
Not so much now but dreamt about it alot after coming off :-/ I get the odd flash back though when I least expect it
Ive had a dream about my beloved's getting pinched from my garage. I was so relieved when i woke up. But I still had to check before I went to work. Horrible.
have done. mostly going of cliffs. next question, i had an accident on the motorway about 15 years ago, now i cant ride on duel carriage way or motorways without getting the fear always end up doing 40mph on the hard shoulder totally freaks me out would love to tour more but cant. any suggestions.
Blimey Fin thats rough. Avoidance only reinforces the fear though but thats very easy for me to say. Good luck
I sometimes dream that I can do jumps. wheelies, stoppies, doughnuts, all kinds of fancy stunts. Then I'm disappointed when I wake up and remember I really can't.
Not specifically about my current bike, but I've had the same dream a few times in 10-20 years about rear-ending a car at high speed on a specific road in Cornwall. I figure if I stay clear of that road I'll be ok.
Yes, but not very often. I used to fly a lot when I was younger, but I also dreamt about crumbling teeth (for all you Freudians ).
No thanks, I have a reoccurring nightmare of being squashed by a set of ample bosoms. Its why I steer clear of Fig
I never remember my dreams but i did bite the tip of my tongue the other night,scared the shit out of me,plenty of blood,still hurts now,god knows what i was dreaming about.
I have been having an attack in my dream and woken up not breathing and unable to move quite a few times. I dream 5 out of 7 nights and mostly remember at least 3 days, sometimes so real it tales a while for my conscious to realise its not true