I've noticed recently on news websites that more and more people who have been found guilty of a "misdemeanour" by the courts, have had a "victim surcharge" added to any fine that they have been given for the misdemeanour. I've also noticed that a large number of those cases don't seem to have a victim. Or at least it's not obvious to me from the reported story. So why is a "victim surcharge" being applied?
Its a surcharge not compensation Its another word for tax Commit a crime of any kind and get convicted you pay a surcharge (tax) but this tax goes into a pot to support victims of crime. I believe it came about when people complained that your taxes supported all sorts of measures for criminals but there was nothing in place for victims other than Victim Support which is a charity and relied solely on voluntary donations
not trying to be an arse, but whats the differance, is it like say a footballer punching another player, compaird to punching someone walking down the street?.
I want to answer you but I had to read my last post to try and understand which bit you were referring to and I sound like a right f***ing anorak so I'm going to bed
? Does this mean that as I sit at home committing occasional misdemeanours I am doing it on the side as I am not paying any tax on it? Shit. Thats all I need. I owe fucking shitloads.
In American law there is a sharp and important distinction between felonies (serious crimes) and misdemeanours (minor crimes). This distinction is of little importance in UK, and a more useful split in England and Wales is between crimes triable only in the Crown Court (serious), crimes triable only in the Magistrates Court (minor), and crimes triable either way (middling).
So it's a tax that supports all victims of crime rather than a specific victim of the misdeameanor of that particular case, so to speak. I get that. But it's a tax at the end of the day.
I personally have no problem with with taxing illegal or antisocial behaviour. I include my own wrong-doing in that, if you can't do the time don't do the crime....sort of
Guess what the Surcharge was A scrap yard gets prosecuted by the HSE for failures resulting in a worker losing an arm complete with shoukder blade. They are fined £20, 000 costs of £9, 000 and victim surcharge of £???? Go on guess
im a victim. our family car has been hit by a hit and run driver and guess how much I have received from this pot of money? feck all.