...and still they come

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. Paul Gambocini the latest arrested for historical sex crimes...
  2. Surprised he hasnt been nicked already
  3. Arrest all of them, unless they are gay, in which case, cut their 'amenities' off.
  4. cant gay people commit sex crimes then?:tongue:
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  5. Gambaccini has always been openly gay. Whats surprising is that he has been dragged in for questioning....he was very outspoken about Savile...
    Oh well, looks like there may be another sexual predator at the BBC...

    Keep payin' those licences folks..these paedos need your money.
  6. How very PC !
  7. theres nothing worse than having it rammed down your throat.......
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  8. Really worried now; hoping it doesnt turn out an employee of Centrica or Sky is a pedo as I pay them what I owe them too :eek:
  9. You are awful............but I like you !
  10. Paul Gambaccini went to my Oxford college studying my subject (PPE), but although he is over a year older than me he was in the year's intake below me so I didn't know him well.
  11. A years intake, that's a lot of boys.
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  12. No need to get all defensive Pete. No one's accusing you of anything...............yet ! :cool:
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  13. I didn't know you could study Hi-Viz vests as a subject.
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  14. dont know, i hav a mate in the forrestry commision who is constantly doing coarses on stateing the fecking obvious.
  15. From what I have seen in this and previous topics, I think Pete has an honours degree in name-dropping..........
  16. There was me thinking it was a plastic ;)
  17. Not vests. Think helmets :cool:
  18. There's plenty more names where those came from.
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  19. I can think of a few.............:wink:
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