Has anyone got any panniers taking up space in the garage ....

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by LeNoir, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. ....which they no longer need. I am after a used set (preferably red) but all considered.


  2. Hi Greg, I have some for sale but unfortunately they are black. One month old, used once for my French trip in may. Also have ducati liners. Pity they are the wrong colour mate.
  3. I am interested, I can always get them re-sprayed or vinyled (if there is such a word) if they are a good price :wink:

    Can you PM me and the size and how much you would like for them.

  4. Has anyone got any panniers they want to rent to me for a couple of weeks? I am going away on 20th June and back on 1st July????
  5. I have a set but they are throw over soft type one's. Oxford make. Sadly on my last holiday I clipped a annoying car and one of them has no rain bag ....
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  6. If you were close id be willing to lend you mine - they are the large white ones tho....
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  7. Hi LeNoir, I have a pair of Oxford throwovers that would be OK if your are going Solo, to borrow for the price of a couple of pints. I also have a pair of red ducati Panniers, with liners that I would rent out - PM me with an offer !! Where abouts are you ??
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