Any seamstresses on the forum?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. Got to make a seat pad for the Guzzi, but I ain't got a sewing machine (or the knowledge to use one, frankly). I've found loads of companies that'll recover a standard seat, adding memory foam if need be, cutting the padding down, fitting posher covers, all sorts of mods, and they rarely top £100. The second you mention 'cafe racer' the price doubles:mad:
  2. Say it's a "tea shoppe" racer. That'll make it cheaper :upyeah:
  3. Sod that! Have you seen the price of cream scones in Surrey..?:eek:
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  4. Come off it........Croydon's in Surrey isn't it? :wink:
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  5. Good point well made:frown:
  6. Wanders in

    Two grown men discussing needle craft and afternoon tea in the Home Counties

    Walks quietly backwards and closes the door
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  7. I love you Char, deeply and unreservedly. You are the light of my life.

    By the way, are you any good at sewing..?
  8. Do it by hand. I can get you a set of needles and some extra strong yarn if you cant get them yourself. Cost less than a tenner,
  9. By hand..?:eek:

    This is an age of technological brilliance, no-one does anything by hand any more. To that end I have taken the bull by the horns and sought help from high technology to complete my task...I've just bought a sewing machine...that's 50 years older than me!
  10. I have a staple gun
  11. Put an extra one in for me...
  12. Anyone who reads Terry Pratchett would have thought this thread was about something completely different!
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  13. Wasn't she in "desperate housewives"?
  14. Oi you can't diss Croydon !!!!
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  15. Croydon Park Hotel is where the riff raff go ..,

    Now please drive a further 15mins to the Selsdon Park Hotel :) :)
    Far superior ..
    Or go another 5 mins down the road and tap my Mum up for tea and cakes :)

    Selsdon Park Hotel is much much nicer :) honestly !
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  16. Edward Heath thought so.
  17. Ah, Croydon, home of the 'Croydon facelift' - pull you hair back so tight it pulls the wrinkles out of your face.

    If Vicky here pulls it back any further she'll end up with a beard...

    View attachment 21431
  18. Oh well, here goes nothing...please say hello to my new acquisition, a Singer!

    View attachment 21436

    Okay, she looks a little care worn, but then so would you after 111 years of service! She was born in 1902, and still works a treat, all bar requiring a bit of lube. Now all I've got to do is teach myself how to sew, and buy a magnifying glass so I can thread the fkin' needle:mad:
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  19. drive past Selsdon park hotel, every couple of weeks on me way to me ma's.

    could always play golf there!!!
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