Mine likes it in the ear...........she always turns to one side when.......................oh, never mind..........
Mistaken identity old boy; I was thinking of funky's delightful missus...an image that's burned into my retinas:frown:
Trust me Tel, this is one picture you do not want to see. It was bad enough for Matt to delete asap...
Jeez I feel even more abnormal ! I've never in my life huddled in some pub corner or anywhere discussing my bits or anyone else's ...... I've never used a partners bank account or credit card .... I was stunned when I heard a chap just used to hand the plastic over with a " budget" for the Mrs to use .. A £200 pair of shoes was fine . I've never asked about a mans salary. I've been more interested in the person then what's in the bank. If I want something I've always saved or worked for it rather then ask or expect stuff ! I don't ask many questions to be honest ! As long as I'm not quizzed to death I'm fine . Got divorced said just give me my absolute and get lost!!!!! Hmmmm .... I'm as poor as a church mouse and have not one pair of expensive shoes lol
Your not the first person who's said that!!!!!! I'm a bloke minus bits who wears lipstick and has ... Omg I have some questions to ask my parents.... I'm wondering if I was born as " Martin" ! Apparently it's like dating your best male friend but I wear makeup and have boobs ! I don't have a deep voice or an Adams Apple ... Shoot me please I am fecking useless to womankind.