Yes, he didn't need any invasive surgery either, just hormone treatment to manage it. No probs that you asked. R
How come lots of men grow beards or a tash and although they have dark brown hair the beard or tash grows out ginger???
They must have that " just for men beard dye in NZ? I was just curious come all that the beard grows brown and tash and beard grows um orange ?
Well have to admit, what little hair I have left is dark but I am a keeper of a rusty forest and my beard always goes ginga
Fig it's broken ..... I can't see what it is .... Not a link to MerkinsRus is it? Here are some mo 's to grow
I had a god father who in the 70,s had a big 70,s tash ... I was explaining to my friend about a game called " the whisker treatment " and they looked at me and said Omg if you did that now !!!!!! That's wrong !!!!! He used to attack me with his tash until I ran about screaming .... My worst memory of a beard was a teacher of mine who got lice in it .... And the horror I felt as I noticed them walking around his beard....