The Best Place In The World (holiday thread)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. He's right, although Invercargill isn't exactly the high point of New Zealand, it's far too close to Bluff for a start.

    Abel Tasman National Park outside Nelson however is as close as I've been to paradise on earth
  2. i have a mate that lives there, when mates go over to visit, they compare it to strontian lochaber. very similar in looks and weather.
    he is a very keen biker by the way.

  3. In like an exocet missile :biggrin:
  4. I liked Lanzagrote when I visited. The trip up at the volcano was fascinating and the landscape is like nothing else. Interesting geology.

    The beaches were clean and as long as you avoid the dense tourist spaces its fine. Found a great bar that served the most fantastic mojito's I've ever had. Sam and I were pissed out of our heads by the time we left. They were so delicious. I'm dribbling now as i type...
  5. Cuba! Fabulous people, copious amounts of rum, sun, sea and sand! If I could this is where I would retire to!
  6. You'd think, but it works..
  7. Loved NZ when we went 9 years ago, did the. Hobbit stuff as based out of Auckland. We are going back but just me and the missus next time, 4 weeks min and a camper is the plan... We loved Barbados too
  8. By "there" do you mean Invercargill? or NZ?
  9. new zealand, dont know exactly, will find out. if there compairing it strontian it must be cold and wet.
    #29 finm, Nov 4, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2013
  10. Youre a lucky lot, im lucky if i get South of Putney bridge !!!!!!!
  11. i dont fly. so cornwall for me.
  12. Just give me a fast bike and plonk me in the middle of the Languedoc region of France, and I may never come back.
  13. Try sailing...
  14. yip up for that. takes yonks to get anywhere. been to ireland.
    this is pish, cant fly, ride on moterways total bolox by the way.
  15. Funny old world, innit; you will quite happily launch a crazy-fast motorbike into a blind bend, not knowing what's round the corner, while wearing a dead cow for protection, yet you won't trust the form of transport with by far the best safety record...

    My mate was the same, absolutely refused to fly up until a couple of years ago. I was telling him about a lads' trip to Poland and he was gutted he didn't go, so we talked him into taking a short flight to France for a fishing trip. He's been on another ten or so flights since then, can't keep him off the bloody things. He's currently in America...
  16. crazy in it. i have flown several times and it gets worse every time, doable when im pishd.
  17. Can be cold/wet, but fine and sunny too. Summer up to 25-30deg C, Winter to 0-5 deg C. Windy, snow , rain and stuff.
  18. yip, sounds just like strontian. they love the place but feel a bit cheated when they get there, as they live in strontian. :tongue:
  19. Bonaire - 28 degrees all year round, almost no rain, no hurricanes, not very touristy, very safe, really chilled out atmosphere... but you have to like snorkelling and/or diving otherwise it may be a bit boring.
  20. I'm glad someone mentioned the Island... small trains, scenery, good roads, the odd spot of racing and kippers. What more do you want...?

    Mind, you New Zealand is a pretty good second (they just need to improve the ammount of road-racing). It is slightly easier to get the bike to the IoM though.
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