So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I started shifts for the first time in my life as I started a new job.
  2. Really cheesed off, back to work fitting skirting boards all day after a week at the TT.
  3. Nah Gaz,

    It's just a really small desk! :biggrin:
  4. At least you'll be home to listen to the second supersport race on the radio at 6.15...ish
  5. Had a little tea party for my girls bday
    Just been out walking by the river with Megs as it's a nice evening




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  6. Well I got back from work late last night so today I took my old chain off and shortened the new longer one and put it on....all ready for a run out tomorrow. :smile:

    Looked at the weather forecast for tomorrow.....and its supposed to be pi**ing down again, now I'm home.

    I'm convinced the weather is directly related to my work rota! :frown:

    Oh by the way is the cake in the post Viv?
  7. Been sat on the sofa...and will be for some weeks to come!
  8. Ouch!

  9. Bloody weather!!!!

    Cake on it's way 
  10. Ouch!!!
    Get well soon
  11. Hopefully the sun will be out and you can get sone rays
    No how you feel this time last year I was out of action :-(
  12. Went out horse riding with youngest, it was a little bit wet when we left home, then when we were at our furthest point it absolutely tipped down, we were soaked to the skin, never mind at least we had to laugh we were so wet it was the only thing we could do.
  13. Went to Cromer .... on the pier with friends fishing. Got wetter then a wet thing that was very wet and had to borrow my friends cloths.
    Not my normal garb and had the michael taken out of me for hours as not in black and in a skirt...
    I did not catch crabs at Cromer... friend caught a dab.
    Stopped at Mc Deaths for a latte and left them with wet seat :(
  14. Good to hear Cromer has a clean bill of health when it comes to sexually transmitted 'friends', but that might have been too much information thanks. :wink:
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  15. All the way to Cromer, from Ipswich, for ONE DAB ? Lol.......
  16. I'm sat waiting to see the consultant about my shoulder keep your fingers crossed 
  17. [​IMG] Good Luck! [​IMG]
  18. It's raining again. But then I was reassured to hear that the funfair is in Lausanne. The funfair comes every June to Lausanne for two to three weeks and every year it is a washout. Every year. So if the funfair is in Lausanne, it should be raining.
    Thus all is right with the world and everything is normal. It's making the garden grow and providing opportunities to look at the Euro. the tennis and play the guitar. I shall get the Ducati out in July.
  19. When the "fun" fair come to town in the UK it's time to lock up yr car, caravan, speedboat and anything else that aint bolted to the ground!

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