To take up Funk's line of thought... The one that really annoys me is "how am I supposed to know that? It was before I was born..." The answer is you're supposed to know because you are supposed to be educated. To anyone who actually says that I have two questions: firstly, have you ever heard of Shakespeare? Or Elvis Presley? Or Hitler, Or Jesus Christ? Or Queen Victoria? All of these were involved in things that happened before you were born. The second thing is that what you have said implies that you know everything that has happened since you were born, which I very much doubt...
People will only take so much being corrected about things, and if you use it all up with trivia you exhaust their patience before you get to the important stuff.
but my point remains.....the misuse and abuse of superlatives in particular has all but rendered them meaningless.
...and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped. Language at its finest. All the interesting stuff is found right after the boring stuff. Took me years to realise that. Of course they could have skipped the times table and given me calculus. I might have listened then but I was away in my dreams.
The weather's going to be more cloudy on Tuesday, more rainy on Wednesday, but more sunny on Thursday The Ducati forum is more friendly than others Have you seen the latest Performance Bikes? They are really liking the 899! We recently received an email at work from one of the 'grown-ups' in order to welcome a new starter. It said, "I'd like you all to welcome X to the team. I'm delighted he decided to join ourselves .....etc" There was a temptation to reply with with something along the lines of "Myself is overjoyed at the email from yourself with the news of himself joining ourselves, myself is certain himself will be made very welcome by themselves in the team and myself is confident ourselves will all benefit as a result", however, perhaps that would have been evolving the English language at too fast a pace for those grown-ups.
The difference between 'helping your uncle, Jack, off a horse' and 'helping your uncle jack off a horse'. I presume that this "rape" of the English language includes punctuation, grammar and the use of capital letters? Besides, how precious do you want to get? If you were dropped into middle England just 100 years ago you would have trouble understanding the language, and 200 years ago it would be barely comprehensible. The world moves on, languages evolve, nostalgia isn't what it used to be, etc.
@ Ken - That is the funniest thing I've seen for quite some time... @ Antonye - This current trend is not "evolution", it is destruction... See me previous posts for a more detailed version of that statement.
And this is why "Eats, shoots and leaves" by Lynn Truss should be mandatory reading for all students on the English language.
James while John had had had had had had had had had had had the better effect on the teacher or James, while John had had "had", had had "had had"; "had had" had had the better effect on the teacher and then there's That that that is that that is not is not that that is that that is is not true is not true. or; The idea, that the statement "what is that, which does not exist, is not that, what is that, which exists" is false, is incorrect.
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true..and then and then again, and then again, and if not, why not...and if not....why? if not? why not? and not just to look at a manner of speaking.