
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by antonye, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. Yikes! I thought that was you Tel:eek:
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  2. Yes, he didn't need any invasive surgery either, just hormone treatment to manage it. No probs that you asked.

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  3. Dont forget piccies guys :)
  4. thats a proper anus tickler...i bet he spends half of the morning picking out last nights poo.
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  5. I will be sporting a porno tash
  6. How come lots of men grow beards or a tash and although they have dark brown hair the beard or tash grows out ginger???
  7. He doesn't wash it out silly how else do you think he keeps it that shade of brown.?
  8. :mad: SHADDUP!!!
  9. And he has something to snack on later in the day :smile:
  10. They must have that " just for men beard dye in NZ?

    I was just curious come all that the beard grows brown and tash and beard grows um orange ?
  11. I had to google it
  12. You first..
  13. I think it's only fair, He11cat, that you join in via the medium of Fanuary...
  14. had him
  15. Well have to admit, what little hair I have left is dark but I am a keeper of a rusty forest and my beard always goes ginga
  16. Fig it's broken ..... I can't see what it is ....

    Not a link to MerkinsRus is it?

    Here are some mo 's to grow ImageUploadedByTapatalk1383691220.599928.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1383691261.269638.jpg


  17. I had a god father who in the 70,s had a big 70,s tash ...
    I was explaining to my friend about a game called " the whisker treatment " and they looked at me and said Omg if you did that now !!!!!! That's wrong !!!!!
    He used to attack me with his tash until I ran about screaming ....

    My worst memory of a beard was a teacher of mine who got lice in it .... And the horror I felt as I noticed them walking around his beard....
  18. The Zappa look for me
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