So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. Locks are only to keep the innocent out......
  2. From the Viz Wikipedia page: "The comic was reprimanded by the United Nations after featuring a strip called "The Thieving Gypsy Bastards"[SUP][19][/SUP] During the resulting court case, UK newspaper The Sun ran a story revealing that the principal Roma man who initiated the action against them was in fact also being tried for (and was later found guilty of) handling stolen property. In the same issue Viz ran a short strip called "The Nice, Honest Gypsies", featuring a kindly Gypsy woman selling pegs door-to-door and helpfully returning forgotten change."

    The entire Viz entry is pants-pissingly funny if you need cheering up because of the pants weather: Viz (comic) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  3. Viz!!!

    A day in the life of the working class, through the eyes of the working class!

    I swear I work with Sid the Sexist....
  4. It wAs a little dab...

    On a horrible note I had a cat run out in front of me .
    Tried to stop but it was too late :(

    I parked up ran down the road dodging cars and scooped him up up and put him on the pavement ( dead) .
    Then started knocking on doors.
    I eventually found the owner who was beside herself and I got the cat and carried him intro her house and wrapped him in a towel.

    I felt so sick... And so dreadful but there really was not a chance of avoiding him on a busy Road.
  5. sad about the cat ! i killed one last year massive big thing had no chance, going fishing but a private lake in a minute, weather looks ok tomorrow might pop down Box hill
  6. Yeah you've shipped it off oop north, it's positively persisting down here now, and forecast even more here tomorrow! :wink:
  7. There are some nice private lakes at Leatherhead and Dorking.
    Typical I need to clean my bike and fit some new decals and it's gale force winds and has been lashing down!
    Suffolk show has been cancelled today
  8. The Suffolk Mutual Admiration Society has been cancelled? Crumbs......That will means A & E will be overflowing with traumatised contributors....

  9. Lol .... I was not planning to attend ... It's the same every year and stupidly pricey now
  10. Are you referring to the show or Suffolk in general? (all the same to me).

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  11. I was not Suffolk born or bred .... I was dumped here!

    Ive been here years now and can't get used to it :(
  12. Today I've enjoyed my first trip in a wheelchair, had a snazzy plastic and metal brace fitted and a lovely new green cast. Life don't get better than that
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  13. Today, I have almost finished the engine replacement on the Triumph Sprint...she's all running again and all I have left to do is refit the fairing....then get an MoT on her and all will be well........
  14. That would be better!!
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  15. They took the red one off and being Portsmouth, don't have red ;) so figured the white top and bottom, plus green and undoubted blood red which will happen when the missus stops being nice to me I'll have a tricalore cast :cool:
  16. My advice would be milk it for all the tea and sympathy you can get .. Us women you see can do everything in a wheelchair with two legs and one arm in full plaster casts and a neck collar .... We feel no pain .. ;) we can cook and clean and play murder ball
    therefor after about 3 days you may get "man up and go trim that hedge!!!"

    Only joking :) hope you get better soon .
  17. Well today I had another injection to bring down the inflammation in my shoulder and I need some more physio as my small muscles arent working.
    I can't lift anything heavy as it hurts
    If this doesn't work it's an ultra sound to assess a tear.
     year yesterday I lost my dizzy

    Feet up now watching the racing 
  18. Hope you get better soon ..
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  19. I think Ducdird's just taken your advise too literally to be quite Frank! :eek:

    Only joking Viv......hope it starts to improve real soon, or how you gonna make the tea n bake us some cakes! :biggrin:
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  20. Amended for you 

    Have to make my own tea and cake no Frank to wait on me 

    Anyway cakes on me
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