Arnold Layne, had a strange....hobby. Collecting clothes. Moonshine, washing line. They suit him fine. There but for the grace of xxxxxx, go all of us. Shine on, Syd.
every single song that Barret was involved in was self indulgent shit. the instant he was out of the band they began to develop their signature sound..'See Emily Play'...what utter tripe. he became mentally ill because of his abuse of LSD.
Al, Al,......... oh no , I've just worked it out, it's Albert Tatlock returned to haunt us!, ( I'm not that old, my mother told me about him!)
Fight, Fight, Fight!!! Think this thread is brill!!... Carry on girls!!... Very true about Eastenders being shite though - They think they can act by simply pulling daft faces... Anyway, when I've been down the East End I bearly see another white person - Howcome where they live it's full of em?...