I had a knock at the door at 7.30 this morning..7.30, mind you..I rarely open the door to anyone unless theyve got an appointment, but the high viz through the porch window got the better of me...it was a girl asking if i had any scrap metal in a broken russian accent....Ive just had a new boiler so there were 2 radiators around the corner on my drive...god knows how they saw them because theyre not visible from the road... I said i was keeping them (actually donating to a local charriddee)..but thanks.. 2 minutes laters im eating my breakfast and i see this large, middle aged pikey type skulking onto my drive....and the cheeky cnut picks one up with a cheeky look at the front of the house and is gone....crafty fekker!! I actually laughed..then he came back for the other one..so i put my shoes and pants on, and nipped out...he'd just put them in the back of his van and was starting the engine..i fkn yanked open the door and gave him a tirade of abuse....he waved his hands in the air apologising in Ukrainian or whatever it was..and i made the fkr put them back like a naughty kid... Whats annoying is that ive still got the old boiler that i want rid of...supposed i'll have to take that down the tip myself... What a cheeky bleeder eh?
Foreigners coming over here, getting up early and actually grafting? Showing initiative and business acumen by going round and politely knocking on doors,(the assumption being that at that time you won't have left for work yourself) asking if you've got stuff you want to get rid of? Dear oh dear,whatever next? :biggrin: On a serious note,he was a cheeky twat trying to nick your rads after being told not to,(assuming him and the Lithuanian doris were part of the same team) But you could have given him/her the boiler and saved yourself the tip trip...
its big business lol. when I was involved in the waste businesss years ago in hull they used to break into scrap metal dealers yards and steal the scrap and trade it to other scrap metal merchants. I once had 12 yard skip full of scrap metal at my yard- they had the lot away. the next time I filled it I also lobbed a load of dog shit in with it from the local kennels - that lot didnt totally disappear !
This is a regular occurrence around my area. But in a good way, we all know the council is a rip off most of the time, unless you specify exact weights, sizes and dick length. They won't take it. So, everyone around my area just sticks the old washing machine or scrap stuff out the front of the garden, it's never there more than a week. So saves you the weekend tip run. And 9 times out of 10, they ask! I think it's a fair thing they have going on, costs me nothing but the sweat of my brow lugging the thing to the front of the house and it's gone from my mind. Knowing some chap has made a few quid from it doesn't bother me in the slightest.
You would have thought they would have sent a letter of demand first? Terrible some one ignoring what they had been told. Be like ignoring an official demand of payment for services used and continuing to use said service whilst ignoring all correspondence. Then they had the temerity to feign ignorance, still funky at least they didn't have you over, then come back and complain about the quality of said nicked items .
i told the girl that they could happily take the boiler away when i return from work...i couldnt be bothered to mess about with it as it was in the garden and i a) didnt want strangers walking through my house, or b) taking the alternative route through my garage and seeing a couple of Ducatis in there. If had said okay dokey, take the rads i wouldnt have been bothered....its the fact that the fella came skulking back to steal them. As it is, im giving them away to a good cause.
Someone tried thieving a couple of old cast-iron radiators that a friend was storing in his back garden while doing up his house. Unfortunately, in between the time they'd scoped it out and coming back to pinch them at night, they failed to notice the large trench we'd put in to start the groundworks. Consequently, when they were disturbed in the act and tried to leg it up the garden, one of them ended up with a broken arm, dislocated ankle and concussion as he piled into it face first.
Do they collect on Christmas Day? There'll be an old boiler I want rid of when the mother in law comes round to our house on Christmas Day. Any money in other ancient stuff? I sleep next to an old battleaxe, wonder if she has any value?
Nah, we'd have just filled the trench in on top in that case. The ambulance crew weren't particularly careful about getting him out, mind.
I've locked any spare metal away last week - As I was putting the metal garden furniture back into storage for the winter, I turned to the wife and said: "I don't know why I bother getting this out. You never sit on it." She said, "Put your cock away and get that bench back in the garage."
that pretty bold, there are some cheeky fuckers about earlier in the year loads of the phone lines and one of the mains power phases went down in the complex where i and some of my customers work and they were down for 48hrs+ when we inquired as to the reason for the outage we were told that some out some enterprising theif had setup popped the manhole cover and ripped out a load of copper cabling, tied it to the back of a van and pulled a few hundred meters of it out the ground? all in broad daylight in hackney. now thats seriously bold
I put a washing machine outside once and it was gone in 20 minutes, I wanted to get rid of it anyway but the speed astonished me at which they got to it. Scrap dealers are everywhere in London and I see several out before 5am whilst out with my dogs virtually every day. They hunt down anything that's metal and they are on it like vultures taking even the tiniest bit of metal. There also seems to be this thing where I live of leaving working or decent items like kettles, TV's DVD players on a garden wall etc. for people to help themselves and most do get picked up. The downside is that beds and sofas now appear regularly by the side of the road because people can't afford to dump them as the local refuse station charges. A sign of the times, back to the old rag and bones days almost.
when i lived in Acton a wide open alleyway used to be turned into the local dump..sofas, tellys, you name it...sadly no Ducatis.