Who can explain these to me please i am currently with sky for internet and phone the internet speed is shoite particularly in the evenings but acceptable in the early morning will a different service provider differ….. i have to use a BT land line to get the internet down due to my location…..
Are you sure fibre isn't headed your way? BT are rolling it out to rural areas... Go to Speedtest.net by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test, run a check and post up the results. It's probably a case of all the kids round your way jumping on the inter webs of an evening
Mines shite, ping 54, download 6.7, upload 0.36 currently in discussions with bt to get upload better
Lucky shite - my download is 2.41 - and I would wager my Ducati that there are less than 10 teenagers in the 1 mile between me and the exchange!
There's several factors which determine your line speed. First is the quality of the line from your house to the exchange and the distance between the two. Then it's down to the equipment in the exchange. If Sky has enough customers in your area then they will have their own equipment in the exchange and a decent sized pipe back to their network. If they dont have their own equipment in there then they have to rent line space from BT. When they go down this route then they don't make as much money from the service so will try to get more users through a smaller pipe. To make it "fair" to all users they then limit the amount of space you get by network management. I think Sky's restrictions run from 16:00 to 21:30.
Here you go, take a look at this page. Traffic Management Policy I suspect that you are on their Sky Broadband Connect product. Just click on the drop down button and you will see the hours of restriction. I'm gobsmacked to see that they slow down speeds by up to 90%. I had actually signed up to this earlier in the year when I switched from TalkTalk as they were using traffic management quite aggressively in my area. It was only when I read the small print that I realised that I would have the same issue with Sky. I ended up with BT for phone and broadband. Their pricing is now quite reasonable and not much more than the competition, but they never use traffic management to slow things down. That's what comes from owning the infrastructure I guess.
Sorry, forgot to add that when you do the speed test, you will only get an accurate test if you use a wired connection (Ethernet cable plugged into your router) wireless will only give you an indicative speed...
Also, it could be down to interference if a neighbour is using the same wireless channel as you... Easy enough to change via the router interface...
We are copper cable to the village from an exchange a mile away that has fibre optic and the average is 0.8, a we are changing provider to BT, they were shocked when they tested the line but reckon they can get us up to 5! There is little chance of them coming down here with fibre optic as the village is tiny. Same with gas.
i am at the end of a bt line and get the above speeds. Women next door 50 metres away on talk talk gets 15.51 at the same time i got 1.05, and the next one up on btinternet gets 6.28 at the same time go figure…….its the greedy sky squeezing a load of people on a small connection….. I've changed today to talk talk…..
Making sure sure your router is plugged into the master socket if you suffer slow speeds does make a big difference. dodgy extension sockets slow down your connection.
As silly as it sounds also try turning off your router for a minute or two then plug back in again. i often find when it reconnects the speed has increased substantially, I have to do this about every month or so