
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bradders, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. Urban Dictionary says they are all plebs

    1)one who's inferior intelligence results in them making a complete titface out of themselves in public

    2)one who has had their brain replaced with a mall cucumber whilst visiting the doctor fora routine check up
  2. It's not just that policemen sometimes tell lies, break the rules, and stitch people up - human nature. It's that even when they are caught out "bang to rights" they almost always get let off. They are hardly ever prosecuted and even when they are, the prosecution is bungled so they get acquitted. They are rarely disciplined even in the most egregious cases. There is a culture of complete impunity for wrongdoers from top to bottom. That is the problem, IMHO.
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  3. in general I disagree.
    but there are exceptions.

    some do some dont...(goto prison)

    but it has been the case of "retire and go quietly" over years gone by at the lower end of the scale..
    #23 Phill, Oct 24, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2013
  4. Just seen extracts of the two police officers called in to explain themselves after their previous misleading account to the Home Affairs Committee on C4 news. They were squirming and tongue tied in dealing with the questions and it's the most damaging thing I can recall seeing in terms of my view of our present police force, who I generally hold in high regard for doing an impossible job with courts that fail to penalise offenders properly.

    There conduct has been disgraceful and they and some of the police at the original exchange all those months ago should be seriously reprimanded or even prosecuted.

    Rant over....
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  5. I agree the whole thing is a mess……….however,

    what exactly and i do mean exactly did the politician say at the gates that started this all off……….i don't want to know what he didn't say or a rough circa of what he might of said…..i want a keith Vaz says the truth and honesty exactly what he said … funnily enough all this has never been told and forgotten….

    Why don't we have an enquiry into said politician by someone that is not a politician and call them before a committee of non politicians and ask him to explain himself…….
  6. I think they should have just come clean and called Mitchell a cunt.
  7. So, the police involved in the original incident lied. The police who investigated the lying also lied. Now we are to have yet another enquiry to prove what we already know - some police officers lied, and then some others lied about the lying. Is there any wonder that no-one has any faith in the criminal justice system?
  8. who says the Police in the original incident, the ones on the gate, lied? They said he said Pleb etc etc, I'm not sure and nor is anyone, of what he really did say as he has never clarified that……………still we need to be open and honest…...:rolleyes:
  9. This is no longer about whether or not a politician called the coppers on the gates plebs (and tbh who cares, they must have been called far worse, I have!) but the fabric of police integrity and honesty put under scrutiny. Alas its not covering itself in glory, more a sticky gloop which will be difficult to shift

    add to that the stories of ranking officers abusing their positions, WPCs suing for falling on a kerb and officers taking kore time sick than working ( mostly at the hands of the Mail) its building to a private plod.

    so be careful what you wish for people...
  10. Andy, I think most people care less about what he actually said and more that two lots of Police(people) lied.

    And this is from a guy who does actually hold the Police in reasonable regard. I have good reason to thank a guy for going beyond the call of duty and helping me and other riders.
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  11. As a former copper of near 14 years, I will stick up for the majority of the lower echelons who do a thankless task. But the job has changed beyond all recognition and ticking boxes is what they do best now. Most bobbies get caught in the cycle of the pension and get disheartened after a few years when the reality that they have very little support and the upper echelons Inspectors and above care more about their career path than the staff they are supposed support and lead. I find it farcical that the higher echelons are covering their arses whilst having lied, that if PSD have been involved they have lied and they are only now putting their hands up having been caught out red handed. It doesn't instil confidence and it shows that when they want to they will close ranks. What grips my shit is that if this had been a P.C. he would generally have been hung out to dry. The fact that the federation are involved makes it even more farcical. Having served with one of the named constabulary's and left in feb this year for reasons of integrity (mine not theirs) It makes me realise I did the right thing. Its a disgrace and the senior management should hold their heads in shame, for they cast a shadow of disgrace over those they aspire to lead, and are supposed to lead by example. The old police saying you are promoted to your own level of incompetence was never more true.
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  12. Andy : putting aside what was or was not actually said, I believe I am correct in saying that the evidence given by the officers involved in the original incident - ie the number of other people in the vicinity etc - has been proved to be inaccurate (at the very least) by the CCTV footage of the incident. You have to admit that this whole sorry saga does not reflect well on the police service.
  13. It is rather bizarre that police officers who must know they are likely to be recorded nevertheless give evidence about what they said and did which the recordings demonstrate to be untruthful. Why do they do this? Is it sheer stupidity? I suspect it is worse than that - impunity. They are so arrogant, they want to make the point that they can say black is white and get away with it.
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  14. After reading what South Yorkshire police did to the families of the Hillsborough disaster very little the 'police federations' do these days surprise me.

    However in general my experience of the Police at street level is mostly positive.
  15. Seems that there is insufficient evidence that other than the one policeman who said he was there and clearly wasn't, none of the other officers involved lied. CPS reckon that the CCTV in general circulation that most have seen is somehow edited and that there are several other images/footage that proof that people were present at the gate. Yet still Mr Mitchell insists everyone except him is lying. Seems that both him and David Davis didn't like the CPS result and have decided that the investigation was flawed. Strong words used by Mr Mitchell regards the officer at the gate, interested to see if any response.
  16. Nice to see the Eton boys are putting the Plebs in their place :rolleyes:
  17. No thats not correct. What the CCTV has done is prove that the Officer who said he was off duty but present and heard what was said was lying and in fact wasn't there and has thus got himself charged with an offence.

    I don't find it hard to believe that the Fed reps were stupid enough to go to a meeting with a Politician and not realise the liklihood of being taped. They are like Union reps with a lot less teeth Blokes who want a wage but don't want to work for it in most cases. Most people on here will have forgot more about Policing than they know. They realy have done the most damage They are the face of the Rank and File copper so if they are brought into disrepute it rubs off on every copper in the land
  18. videos edited……..say its not so….

    Mitchell just tell us exactly what you did say at the very beginning of all this what started it off…………………..oh no you won't never will…..
  19. Soooo...we cant believe coppers or politicians.....tell me something new:rolleyes:
  20. Other than the single cop who did lie, and is now going to court for it, no others have been charged etc. Just how many politicians have lied throughout this debacle and none are facing charges.
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